c++ Programming Glossary: retain
Coding C++ without headers, best practices? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1001639/coding-c-without-headers-best-practices to write function declarations twice headers and still retain the same scalability in compiling clarity in debugging and flexibility..
VC++: KB971090 and selecting Visual C Runtime DLL dependencies http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1238376/vc-kb971090-and-selecting-visual-c-runtime-dll-dependencies more secure version. But I would also like to be able to retain the old dependency for example I might like to build a fixpack.. runtime . Is there any way to do this or will I need to retain two installations of Visual Studio one updated and one non updated..
Java Developer meets Objective-C on Mac OS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/135112/java-developer-meets-objective-c-on-mac-os of Objective C memory management was handled by the retain release and autorelease methods. Objects were created with a.. and autorelease methods. Objects were created with a retain count of 1. Retaining incremented that count releasing decremented.. Garbage collection is an option and if it's turned on the retain release and autorelease methods do nothing. However if you are..
How to design around the limitation that templated member functions can't be virtual http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15592424/how-to-design-around-the-limitation-that-templated-member-functions-cant-be-vir for all of Item's functions and the interface can still retain all strong typing that it would have if you could create virtual..
Vectors and polymorphism in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16126578/vectors-and-polymorphism-in-c the part where I do execute function. Will it work Will it retain its Add type c oop vector polymorphism share improve this..
How do I “normalize” a pathname using boost::filesystem? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1746136/how-do-i-normalize-a-pathname-using-boostfilesystem the parent of the .. is a symbolic link then you have to retain it otherwise it is probably safe to drop it and it's probably..
Getting error using SVM with SURF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18391673/getting-error-using-svm-with-surf row_img keypoints RetainBestKeypoints keypoints 20 retain top 10 key points extractor compute row_img keypoints descriptors_1..
How to detect a Christmas Tree? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20772893/how-to-detect-a-christmas-tree a few of the larger images I actually had to decimate i.e. retain only every 3rd or 4th pixel and drop the others each cluster..
unique_ptr boost equivalent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2953530/unique-ptr-boost-equivalent It works great as long as the smart pointer is meant to retain exclusive ownership throughout its lifetime. std auto_ptr works..
Templates spread across multiple files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36039/templates-spread-across-multiple-files to the complexities of any implementation most compilers retain this requirement. The upshot is that #inclusion of any template..
Rationale of enforcing some operators to be members http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3938036/rationale-of-enforcing-some-operators-to-be-members was as I recall from earlier debates on the subject to retain some sanity in the language i.e. having at least some things..
Sharing a global/static variable between a process and DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4911994/sharing-a-global-static-variable-between-a-process-and-dll it works like a charm. Of course you will not be able to retain the cleaniness of just having the global variable sit there..
How to re-create tree whose inorder traversal is stored in the file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6464507/how-to-re-create-tree-whose-inorder-traversal-is-stored-in-the-file have the same elements that XXX_in has but they should retain the order they had in the original pre order. share improve..
C++11 auto: what if it gets a constant reference? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7138588/c11-auto-what-if-it-gets-a-constant-reference the constness of whatever is pointed or referred to is retained template typename T void f T p int i const int ci 0 const.. auto a4 pcs i a4 is of type const int too Since you can retain the cv qualifier if the type is a reference or pointer you can..
Forward declarations of unnamed struct http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7256436/forward-declarations-of-unnamed-struct a practice that pre dates C 03 and is mainly oriented to retain compatibility with pre C99 compilers. Given that this is 2011..
best way to do variant visitation with lambdas http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7867555/best-way-to-do-variant-visitation-with-lambdas and build a variant visitor using inheritance. That would retain the compile time checks. template typename ReturnType typename.....
How can I improve this design that forces me to declare a member function const and declare variables mutable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8266054/how-can-i-improve-this-design-that-forces-me-to-declare-a-member-function-const int m_cached non key NOT used in operator If you wanted to retain the possibility to 'express' const ness in the non key part..
Reading formatted input from an istream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9027896/reading-formatted-input-from-an-istream to parse other objects than just strings you might want to retain the other character classification and only change that for..