

c++ Programming Glossary: revision

How do I build boost with new Visual Studio 2013 preview?


to your Boost 1.54 distributive. It is best suited for revision 84920 but you can try any other too. Note that I am not author.. Note that I am not author of this patch. Try to get latest revision with Subversion svn co http svn.boost.org svn boost trunk boost.. 2013 Looks like boost folks fixed these issues. Latest SVN revision svn co http svn.boost.org svn boost trunk boost trunk builds..

Why does C++ disallow anonymous structs and unions?


How to code a new Windows Shell?


bb4win.cvs.sourceforge.net bb4win blackbox Blackbox.cpp revision 1.49 view markup http xoblite.net source Blackbox.cpp.html http..

Fixed-size floating point types


group discussing adding C language bindings for the 2008 revision of IEEE 754 which could consider recommending that such a typedef..

Is the return type part of the function signature?


this answer and the comments below don't apply to this revision see the edit history for details . Introduction However the..

Integer division rounding with negatives in C++


share improve this question According to the May 2008 revision You're right The binary operator yields the quotient and the.. . Note 75 says According to work underway toward the revision of ISO C the preferred algorithm for integer division follows..

Why does C++ support memberwise assignment of arrays within structs, but not generally?


x a NEW element wise assignment This didn't change when a revision of C in 1978 added struct assignment http cm.bell labs.com cm..

What is the bit size of long on 64-bit Windows?


be revised to exploit 64 bit capacities. There always was revision necessary it was just a different set of revisions from the.. was revision necessary it was just a different set of revisions from the ones needed on Unix platforms. If you design your..

Are flexible array members valid in C++?


but that didn't add any relevant new features. The next revision of C C 0x is still under development and it seems flexible array..

Are Variadic macros nonstandard?


were introduced in 1999 in the ISO IEC 9899 1999 C99 revision of the C language standard and in 2011 in ISO IEC 14882 2011.. C language standard and in 2011 in ISO IEC 14882 2011 C 11 revision of the C language standard. So it's standard in C99 and in C..

Understanding the vtable entries


linux Thread model posix gcc version 4.4.1 gcc 4_4 branch revision 150839 SUSE Linux c virtual functions vtable share improve..

How can I create directory tree in C++/Linux?


OS X 10.7.4 and suggests that the problem is fixed in the revision but testing can only show the presence of bugs never their absence..

Thread safe lazy construction of a singleton in C++


to synchronize creation of the singleton. From the 2003 revision of the C standard Objects with static storage duration 3.7.1..

Can I list-initialize a vector of move-only type?


move semantic in initializer list elements in the current revision of the language. Specifically we have typedef const E reference..

How are gcc/g++ bootstrapped?


How do gcc g compile themselves I'm guessing that every revision gets compiled with a previously built revision. Is this true.. that every revision gets compiled with a previously built revision. Is this true And if it is does it mean that the oldest g gcc..

Boost async_* functions and shared_ptr's


While dated 2007 the Networking Library Proposal for TR2 Revision 1 was derived from Boost.Asio. Section Requirements..

How to find the size of all files, located inside a folder


As you can see here there is a Filesystem Library Proposal Revision 4 . Here you can read The Boost version of the library has been..

How to build my HelloWorld Android application with Necessitas (qt port)?


work qt test2 android build.xml setup Android SDK Tools Revision 10 setup Project Target Android 1.5 setup API level 3 setup..

How can I create directory tree in C++/Linux?


with C compilers. @ # File RCSfile mkpath.c v @ # Version Revision 1.13 @ # Last changed Date 2012 07 15 00 40 37 @ # Purpose Create..

Undefined reference to 'vtable for xxx'


played between two computers or a computer and human. Revision Log takeaway.cpp v Revision 1.10 2011 10 05 04 06 20 a Need.. or a computer and human. Revision Log takeaway.cpp v Revision 1.10 2011 10 05 04 06 20 a Need to figure out whats wrong with.. 10 05 04 06 20 a Need to figure out whats wrong with main Revision 1.9 2011 10 03 13 57 16 a Added a function to check user input..