c++ Programming Glossary: restroom
Mutual exclusion and semaphores http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3850491/mutual-exclusion-and-semaphores wait mutex wait restroomcount cout A Woman has entered Restroom endl cout People in the Restroom restroom endl endl signal restroomcount.. cout A Woman has entered Restroom endl cout People in the Restroom restroom endl endl signal restroomcount Womenwaiting Delay wait.. Delay wait restroomcount cout A woman has exited Restroom endl cout People in the Restroom restroom endl endl signal restroomcount..
bathroom synchronization and queue of threads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10474566/bathroom-synchronization-and-queue-of-threads to start. What I would like to do when a person enter the restroom personEnterRestrrom function if they are female and no males.. function if they are female and no males are in the restroom they enter if not they go into a queue for women waiting. I..
Mutual exclusion and semaphores http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3850491/mutual-exclusion-and-semaphores can see from the output only 1 person is getting into the restroom at a time. Here is my code const int Delayx 60 int i int restroom.. at a time. Here is my code const int Delayx 60 int i int restroom 0 int Menwaiting 0 int Womenwaiting 0 semaphore max_capacity.. semaphore woman semaphore man semaphore mutex semaphore restroomcount void Delay void int DelayTime DelayTime random Delayx for..