c++ Programming Glossary: restricted
Why can't you use offsetof on non-POD strucutures in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1129894/why-cant-you-use-offsetof-on-non-pod-strucutures-in-c for legacy C compatibility. Therefore it is basically restricted to the stuff than can be done in C. C supports only what it..
Why is it not possible to overload class templates? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11968994/why-is-it-not-possible-to-overload-class-templates a mistake . Specialization as originally defined was a restricted and anomalous form of overloading that fitted poorly with the..
Uses of C comma operator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1613230/uses-of-c-comma-operator use expression programming in very well measured and restricted amounts. But in many cases it comes handy. And the line between..
How to parse space-separated floats in C++ quickly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17465061/how-to-parse-space-separated-floats-in-c-quickly an efficient and correct conversion routine even for a restricted set of input is non trivial you really do have to know what..
How to initialise memory with new operator in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2204176/how-to-initialise-memory-with-new-operator-in-c is allowed whereas the expression list form is explicitly restricted by further rules in the same section such that it does not allow..
How to name this key-oriented access-protection pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3324248/how-to-name-this-key-oriented-access-protection-pattern friend idiom key door friend idiom partial friend idiom restricted friend idiom I moved away from the key lock key keyhole naming..
Program portability http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3525177/program-portability to. 5. Understand that the C standard provides quite a restricted programming environment Certain things are not portable in standard..
Why should casting be avoided? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4167304/why-should-casting-be-avoided by adding a number of new cast operators each of which is restricted to only a subset of the capabilities of a C cast. This makes..
How can I store objects of differing types in a C++ container? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4738405/how-can-i-store-objects-of-differing-types-in-a-c-container or list with say the following int x string y double z I'm restricted with the format list int mycountainer vector string mycontainer..
What type should I catch if I throw a string literal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4831523/what-type-should-i-catch-if-i-throw-a-string-literal like std string nor char will catch it. Catching has restricted rules with regard to what types it match. The spec says where..
Why are C++ inline functions in the header http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5057021/why-are-c-inline-functions-in-the-header most sense for you to follow adding inline and then being restricted by the subsequent constraints makes little sense. share improve..
Why was std::pow(double, int) removed from C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5627030/why-was-stdpowdouble-int-removed-from-c11 These may be actual overloads or may be implemented with restricted templates. I've personally implemented it both ways and strongly.. personally implemented it both ways and strongly favor the restricted template implementation. Second update to address optimization..
C++ aliasing rules http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6320789/c-aliasing-rules but I'm wondering if it's currently better to pass restricted pointers to containers around rather than references. EDIT To..
Could someone post a simple C or C++ TCP server and client example? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/662328/could-someone-post-a-simple-c-or-c-tcp-server-and-client-example party libraries as the system I'm running this on is quite restricted. This must be C or C as the existing application is already..
When to use “new” and when not to, in C++? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/679571/when-to-use-new-and-when-not-to-in-c than if they are allocated in place so its use should be restricted to where necessary. A second example of when to allocate via..
Why doesn't delete set the pointer to NULL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/704466/why-doesnt-delete-set-the-pointer-to-null I could think of couple of reasons why standard would have restricted this Performance An additional instruction could slow down the..
What's a good hash function for English words? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7700400/whats-a-good-hash-function-for-english-words which is the most usual scenario. If you have a known restricted domain set of inputs fixed you can do better see Fionn's answer...
Why doesn't java have pointers? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8080617/why-doesnt-java-have-pointers Using pointers correctly leaves you with a fairly restricted set of options most of which can be done better in idiomatic..
Is returning with `std::move` sensible in the case of multiple return statements? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9532608/is-returning-with-stdmove-sensible-in-the-case-of-multiple-return-statements even if the call is elided. ”end note Copy elision is very restricted in where it can be applied §12.8 31 . One such restriction is..