c++ Programming Glossary: restore
How do you implement Coroutines in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/121757/how-do-you-implement-coroutines-in-c BP and IP on function entry and having yield save IP and restore SP BP. Destructors and exception safety seem tricky but solvable...
OpenGL two different 3d rendering picture control on single MFC dialog not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12227586/opengl-two-different-3d-rendering-picture-control-on-single-mfc-dialog-not-work m_oldWindow m_rect break If window resize token is restore case SIZE_RESTORED If the window is currently maximized if..
How to allow templated functor work on both member and non-member functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17218712/how-to-allow-templated-functor-work-on-both-member-and-non-member-functions callMember void c typename FunctionTraits F Arg1Type a restore the type of the object return static_cast typename FunctionTraits..
modular arithmetics and NTT (finite field DFT) optimizations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18577076/modular-arithmetics-and-ntt-finite-field-dft-optimizations src dst n2 w2 even NTT_fast src n2 dst n2 n2 w2 odd restore results for w2 1 i 0 j n2 i n2 i j w2 modmul w2 w a0 src i..
openGL SubTexturing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/205522/opengl-subtexturing and the width and height of the subimage. Don't forget to restore GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH to 0 when you're finished with it. Ie glPixelStorei..
Are C++ exceptions sufficient to implement thread-local storage? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2487509/are-c-exceptions-sufficient-to-implement-thread-local-storage ptr void old pop push ptr return old void get forget and restore on each access void ptr pop push ptr return ptr Taking advantage..
Redirecting cout to a console in windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/311955/redirecting-cout-to-a-console-in-windows sb std cout.rdbuf ob do some work here make sure to restore the original so we don't get a crash on close std cout.rdbuf.. sb std cout.rdbuf ob do some work here make sure to restore the original so we don't get a crash on close std cout.rdbuf..
Obtain a std::ostream either from std::cout or std::ofstream(file) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366955/obtain-a-stdostream-either-from-stdcout-or-stdofstreamfile file.rdbuf do here output to std cout std cout.rdbuf old restore This second method has the drawback that it's not exception..
“Roll-Back” or Undo Any Manipulators Applied To A Stream Without Knowing What The Manipulators Were http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4217704/roll-back-or-undo-any-manipulators-applied-to-a-stream-without-knowing-what-th something old_state cout.current_manip_state cout hex cout.restore_manip_state old_state Is this possible EDIT In case you're curious.. improve this question Yes. You can save the state and restore it #include iostream #include iomanip using namespace std int..
Difference in initializing and zeroing an array in c/c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/453432/difference-in-initializing-and-zeroing-an-array-in-c-c 0 42 set first element a 0 to 42 stw 2 29 16 ldw 31 29 84 restore return address add 29 29 88 destroy stack frame jr 31 return..
What is the best way to do input validation in C++ with cin? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/545907/what-is-the-best-way-to-do-input-validation-in-c-with-cin it. If you do that on std cin you will have to remember to restore the flags for other readers that rely on it not throwing. Finding..
Explain Morris inorder tree traversal without using stacks or recursion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502916/explain-morris-inorder-tree-traversal-without-using-stacks-or-recursion I was having a hard time to understand how the tree is restored after it is modified. The magic lies in else clause which is.. Tree happens here Revert the changes made in if part to restore the original tree i.e. fix the right child of predecssor else..
Stack corruption in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/718503/stack-corruption-in-c that. An assembly function could incorrectly setup modify restore the stack Cosmic waves could flips bits in the stack. Radioactive..
Blocking socket returns EAGAIN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/735249/blocking-socket-returns-eagain on the socket so I can enforce a timeout. Both the set and restore fcntl calls return successfully so the socket should end up..
Sudoku backtracking algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7695926/sudoku-backtracking-algorithm square with the choice if solve return true we're done restore the board and choices vector the guess didn't work so keep looping.. didn't work so keep looping and make a new guess with the restored board and choices the choice we just made has been removed..
Colorize stdout output to Windows cmd.exe from console C++ app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7778392/colorize-stdout-output-to-windows-cmd-exe-from-console-c-app after the function call. So finally you probably want to restore to the original color attributes. You can use GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo..
How to save c++ object into a xml file and restore back? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/974815/how-to-save-c-object-into-a-xml-file-and-restore-back to save c object into a xml file and restore back How to save c object into a xml file and restore back.. and restore back How to save c object into a xml file and restore back c xml serialization share improve this question Boost.Serialization..