c++ Programming Glossary: realistic
Meaning of acronym SSO in the context of std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10315041/meaning-of-acronym-sso-in-the-context-of-stdstring to be quite so popular but since it is let me give a more realistic implementation with the caveat that I've never actually read..
Using enum in loops and value consistency http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13971544/using-enum-in-loops-and-value-consistency with regards to your last example I don't see this as a realistic use of enum . The correct solution here is an int . While the..
C++ win32 GUI programming, the shortest path? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/212559/c-win32-gui-programming-the-shortest-path an existing project preferably a hands on approach with realistic example.. I'm not a beginner so I don't mind advanced starting..
C++ - passing references to boost::shared_ptr http://stackoverflow.com/questions/327573/c-passing-references-to-boostshared-ptr sake of performance until you've timed your product in a realistic situation in a profiler and conclusively measured that the change..
Is using std::deque or std::priority_queue thread-safe? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4105930/is-using-stddeque-or-stdpriority-queue-thread-safe question From Scott Myer's Effective STL Item 12. Have realistic expectations about the thread safety of STL containers Multiple..
Thou shalt not inherit from std::vector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4353203/thou-shalt-not-inherit-from-stdvector like std vector int p new MyVector is there any other realistic peril in using MyVector By saying realistic I discard things.. any other realistic peril in using MyVector By saying realistic I discard things like imagine a function which takes a pointer..
Volatile and CreateThread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6866206/volatile-and-createthread a lot more reordering than you really wanted. It's not realistic. So we use barriers. They allow full optimization and only guarantee..
Template Specialization VS Function Overloading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7108033/template-specialization-vs-function-overloading Honestly even though it's technically not allowed in all realistic scenarios it's going to work. One thing to remember though is..
C++, variable declaration in 'if' expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7836867/c-variable-declaration-in-if-expression is desired. Obviously this example is trivial but a more realistic case would be one where a and b are functions returning values..
How to properly replace global new & delete operators http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8186018/how-to-properly-replace-global-new-delete-operators and the standard MSVC new delete calls. It doesn't seem realistic to include my header file in thousands of other files that would..
How can a variable be used when its definition is bypassed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8535731/how-can-a-variable-be-used-when-its-definition-is-bypassed still be there even if he hasn't seen or felt it. It's realistic to say that he could turn around at a later time and set it..
Efficient Exponentiation For HUGE Numbers (I'm Talking Googols) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8771713/efficient-exponentiation-for-huge-numbers-im-talking-googols your help Clearly this problem is meant to be solved in a realistic way but I did manage to outperform java.math.BigInteger with..
Is there ever a need for a “do {…} while ( )” loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/994905/is-there-ever-a-need-for-a-do-while-loop suppose you were forbidden from using do while is there a realistic example where this would give you no choice but to write unclean..