c++ Programming Glossary: readyread
Writing a QNetworkReply to a file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1205419/writing-a-qnetworkreply-to-a-file QNetworkReply reply manager.get url connect reply SIGNAL readyRead this SLOT newData and then in newData slot device write reply..
Qt 5 and QProcess redirect stdout with signal/slot readyRead http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17856897/qt-5-and-qprocess-redirect-stdout-with-signal-slot-readyread 5 and QProcess redirect stdout with signal slot readyRead This problem is bothering me because it should work but sadly.. someClass new SomeClass process connect process SIGNAL readyRead someClass SLOT onReadyRead process start .. Test Test QStringList.. to the class slot with this connect process SIGNAL readyRead someClass SLOT onReadyReadStdOutput But the function in the..
Where to delete QTcpSocket in thread to avoid valgrind errors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19280903/where-to-delete-qtcpsocket-in-thread-to-avoid-valgrind-errors functionality is very simple and the class only reacts to readyRead and disconnected signals from the socket. Upon disconnection.. Q_OBJECT QTcpSocket m_socket bool m_firstInput Q_SLOT void readyRead const QByteArray data m_socket readAll if m_firstInput QTextStream.. m_socket socket m_firstInput true connect m_socket SIGNAL readyRead SLOT readyRead connect m_socket SIGNAL disconnected SLOT deleteLater..
qt - how to download and save image via http? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6285661/qt-how-to-download-and-save-image-via-http this SLOT onFinished QNetworkReply connect reply SIGNAL readyRead this SLOT onReadyRead connect reply SIGNAL finished this SLOT..