c++ Programming Glossary: rcpp
Using 3rd party header files with Rcpp http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13995266/using-3rd-party-header-files-with-rcpp 3rd party header files with Rcpp I have a header file called coolStuff.h that contains a function.. theCppFile.cpp cppHeaders coolStuff.h The Code #include Rcpp.h #include cppHeaders coolStuff.h using namespace Rcpp Rcpp.. Rcpp.h #include cppHeaders coolStuff.h using namespace Rcpp Rcpp export double someFunctionCpp double someInput double someOutput..
Undefined reference error while linking to R and RInside libraries from C++ code using g++ compiler in UNIX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4682239/undefined-reference-error-while-linking-to-r-and-rinside-libraries-from-c-code UNIX I want to embed R into a C program. So I installed R Rcpp and RInside also. But I get a lot of undefined reference to.. I give for compiling is g I path to R include I path to Rcpp include I path to RInside include L path to R libs L path to.. I path to RInside include L path to R libs L path to Rcpp libs L path to RInside libs test.cpp lRlapack lRcpp lRblas lRInside..
where is a good tutorial on creating an R package with C++ source code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5171516/where-is-a-good-tutorial-on-creating-an-r-package-with-c-source-code cran.r project.org doc contrib Leisch CreatingPackages.pdf Rcpp is a very useful package for C code but I haven't used it a..
Problem with compiling RInside examples under Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5650063/problem-with-compiling-rinside-examples-under-windows no problems with folders with spaces. I have installed the Rcpp and RInside packages in R . I execute the following makefile.. config LAPACK_LIBS ## include headers and libraries for Rcpp interface classes RCPPINCL shell echo 'Rcpp CxxFlags ' R_HOME.. libraries for Rcpp interface classes RCPPINCL shell echo 'Rcpp CxxFlags ' R_HOME bin R vanilla slave RCPPLIBS shell echo 'Rcpp..