c++ Programming Glossary: readall
How can i get content of web-page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1053099/how-can-i-get-content-of-web-page replyFinished QNetworkReply pReply QByteArray data pReply readAll QString str data process str any way you like In your in your.. from QIODevice . A simple way to do this is just call readAll to get a QByteArray . You can construct a QString from that..
Writing a QNetworkReply to a file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1205419/writing-a-qnetworkreply-to-a-file SLOT newData and then in newData slot device write reply readAll But I'm not sure if this is the right way maybe I missed something...
Qt - Handle QTcpSocket in a new thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16895989/qt-handle-qtcpsocket-in-a-new-thread client else qDebug Read from client s QString m_socket readAll .toStdString .c_str if m_socket waitForDisconnected 1 qDebug..
how to write all the <p> tags to text file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17632550/how-to-write-all-the-p-tags-to-text-file file.open QIODevice WriteOnly file.write reply readAll delete reply return a.exec Thank you so much for your help.. for this see example below. QString txt reply readAll QRegularExpression regex pP . pP QRegularExpressionMatchIterator..
Dynamically set imageSource in ImageView Blackberry 10 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17715533/dynamically-set-imagesource-in-imageview-blackberry-10 if available 0 const QByteArray buffer reply readAll response QString fromUtf8 buffer JsonDataAccess dataAccess.. if available 0 const QByteArray buffer reply readAll response QString fromUtf8 buffer JsonDataAccess dataAccess.. if available 0 const QByteArray buffer reply readAll response QString fromUtf8 buffer img.loadFromData buffer img..
Where to delete QTcpSocket in thread to avoid valgrind errors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19280903/where-to-delete-qtcpsocket-in-thread-to-avoid-valgrind-errors Q_SLOT void readyRead const QByteArray data m_socket readAll if m_firstInput QTextStream out m_socket out Welcome from thread..
Downloading File in Qt From URL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4383864/downloading-file-in-qt-from-url QIODevice WriteOnly return localFile.write data readAll localFile.close delete data data 0 void QtDownload download..
Octave plot from Qt C++ application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5620259/octave-plot-from-qt-c-application response to a text edit widget.txtOutput append octave readAll n And finally I use this when the octave process starts QString..
qt - how to download and save image via http? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6285661/qt-how-to-download-and-save-image-via-http std cout st QImage img2 new QImage img2 loadFromData reply readAll if img2 isNull std cout oops if img2 save omg2.jpg JPG std cout.. deleteLater void QDownloader onReadyRead file write reply readAll void QDownloader onReplyFinished if file isOpen file close..