c++ Programming Glossary: realizing
c++ 2d array access speed changes based on [a][b] order? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13093155/c-2d-array-access-speed-changes-based-on-ab-order sum2 matrix col row As I did once on accident without realizing it I notice that my runtime increases SIGNIFICANTLY. Why is..
User Defined Conversions in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3008690/user-defined-conversions-in-c string before odds are you've used this feature without realizing it. As an aside if you want to prevent this behavior declare..
Explain Morris inorder tree traversal without using stacks or recursion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502916/explain-morris-inorder-tree-traversal-without-using-stacks-or-recursion which goes through the same checking process as Y did also realizing that its left subtree has been traversed continuing with the..
How do I return hundreds of values from a C++ function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/583821/how-do-i-return-hundreds-of-values-from-a-c-function it computes. But this is not really good C style as I'm realizing now. The following function signature is better because it doesn't..
“using namespace” in c++ headers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5849457/using-namespace-in-c-headers get the namespace imported into my program maybe without realizing intending or wanting it header inclusion can be very deeply..
Spirit unable to assign attribute to single-element struct (or fusion sequence) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7770791/spirit-unable-to-assign-attribute-to-single-element-struct-or-fusion-sequence boost spirit qi share improve this question I ended up realizing that the struct I defined is being used in spirit as a tuple...
Is it possible to take a parameter by const reference, while banning conversions so that temporaries aren't passed instead? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9004831/is-it-possible-to-take-a-parameter-by-const-reference-while-banning-conversions to the original data perhaps I will take it's address not realizing that I am in effect taking the address of a temporary. The call..
GCC incorrectly captures global variables by reference in lambda functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9199744/gcc-incorrectly-captures-global-variables-by-reference-in-lambda-functions and accidentally wrote the first piece of code not realizing it should be an error and was then surprised when the modifications..