

c++ Programming Glossary: player

Windows Phone 8: Media file access


over the music library and even play it via the native player since WP7. Starting WP8 developers can add songs to the music..

How to sleep or pause a PThread in c on Linux


a button click event. It is same as when we click on video player play pause button. I am developing my application in c on linux..

Using char* as a key in std::map


int PlayerManager CreateFakePlayer FakePlayer player new FakePlayer int index g_FakePlayers.AddToTail player bool.. player new FakePlayer int index g_FakePlayers.AddToTail player bool foundName false Iterate through Player Names and find an.. the list break If we can't find a usable name just user 'player' if foundName g_FakePlayers.Element index name player g_FakePlayers.Element..

Windows 7 timing functions - How to use GetSystemTimeAdjustment correctly?


API does influence the values. Example When the media player is showing a video the times are getting short. I diagnosed..

Need for predictable random generator


and I got a problem with random numbers. Let's say that a player has 20 chance to get a critical hit with his sword. That means.. The problem is I got very bad real life results sometimes players get 3 crits in 5 hits sometimes none in 15 hits. Battles are..

Is unit testing private methods a good practice?


interface method. As am example lets say you have an audio player and you have functions void play ... void pause ... void seek.. design could be better . Let's take a quick look at your player example moveToFilePos sounds more like a responsibility of something.. of something doing I O operations not a music player's fillBuffers more of a memory manager's job rather than music..

How to Skin an Win32 Application


iTunes Autodesk 3dsmax and Softimage XSI Windows media player Blender Comodo firewall Winamp Babylon client and few download..

Using Quaternions for OpenGL Rotations


use Euler angles or a Pitch Yaw Roll scheme for capturing player input. At the moment arrow keys control Pitch and Yaw whereas.. Pitch and Yaw whereas Q and E control Roll. I capture player input thus I am using SFML 1.6 SPEEDS float ForwardSpeed 0.05.. stored in PYR format Rotation is the change demanded by player input. Either way though the problem might be in my implementation..

Embedding Flash Player in a C++ or Java application?


Flash Player in a C or Java application I would like to embed Flash Player.. in a C or Java application I would like to embed Flash Player directly inside a C or Java application. I found an article.. to translate this code to C allowing me to embed the Flash Player into a Win32 Window. Ultimately I'd like to use this information..

C++0x - export gone, exception specs deprecated. Will this affect your code? [closed]


from Hades was going into the spec he said there was a Big Player whose experts resolutely insisted that it had to go into the..

return value (not a reference) from the function, bound to a const reference in the calling function; how is its lifetime extended to the scope of the calling function?


scope of the calling function. So CASE A const BoundingBox Player GetBoundingBox void return BoundingBox GetBoundingSphere Returns.. I Bind it to a const reference const BoundingBox l_Bbox l_pPlayer GetBoundingBox variant II Bind it to a const copy const BoundingBox.. II Bind it to a const copy const BoundingBox l_Bbox l_pPlayer GetBoundingBox Both work fine and I don't see the l_Bbox object..

C++ : What's the easiest library to open video file


basically load all formats you can play with Windows Media Player. Rather difficult to use. Ffmpeg more precisely libavcodec and..

Using char* as a key in std::map


a lot of unnecessary complications. std map char int g_PlayerNames int PlayerManager CreateFakePlayer FakePlayer player new.. complications. std map char int g_PlayerNames int PlayerManager CreateFakePlayer FakePlayer player new FakePlayer int.. std map char int g_PlayerNames int PlayerManager CreateFakePlayer FakePlayer player new FakePlayer int index g_FakePlayers.AddToTail..

Game Objects Talking To Each Other


The main problem I have is generally along the lines of Player needs to know about the Map and so does the Enemy this has usually.. MSG_Shutdown 2 #define MSG_PlaySound 3 #define MSG_HandlePlayerInput 4 #define MSG_NetworkMessage 5 #define MSG_PlayerDied 6.. 4 #define MSG_NetworkMessage 5 #define MSG_PlayerDied 6 #define MSG_BeginCombat 7 #define MSG_EndCombat 8 And..

How do you append an int to a string in C++?


do you append an int to a string in C int i 4 string text Player cout text i I'd like it to cout Player 4 ^ The above is obviously.. int i 4 string text Player cout text i I'd like it to cout Player 4 ^ The above is obviously wrong but it shows what I'm trying..

Use Windows built in MP3 decoder to play audio?


supposedly built in with Windows since Windows Media Player 6.1 I want to play an mp3 file without having to depend on any..

Remove elements of a vector inside the loop


message of error 'operator ' function is unavailable in 'Player for vector Player iterator it allPlayers.begin it allPlayers.end.. 'operator ' function is unavailable in 'Player for vector Player iterator it allPlayers.begin it allPlayers.end it if it getpMoney.. is unavailable in 'Player for vector Player iterator it allPlayers.begin it allPlayers.end it if it getpMoney 0 it allPlayers.erase..

Is there any kind of “expression class” (C++)


7 myexpr2 2 5 with bind it'd look like boost function bool Player check bind Player getHealth _1 20 Player p1 if check p1 dostuff.. bind it'd look like boost function bool Player check bind Player getHealth _1 20 Player p1 if check p1 dostuff check bind Player.. function bool Player check bind Player getHealth _1 20 Player p1 if check p1 dostuff check bind Player getGold _1 42 if check..