

c++ Programming Glossary: played

Future proofing a large UI Application - MFC with 2008 Feature pack, or C# and Winforms?


The Visual C 2008 Feature Pack looks interesting I haven't played with it though. Seems like it might help with your issue of..

C++ Accesses an Array out of bounds gives no error, why?


Wall errorRange.cpp o errorRange . errorRange 3 4 EDIT 1 I played with it and when giving array 3000 3000 then only it gave me..

Java Developer meets Objective-C on Mac OS


versions such as NSMutableArray. I actually haven't played with the Garbage Collection in Objective C 2.0. In previous..

Could someone please explain the difference between a “reference” and a “pointer” in this case?


an array by reference allows us to obtain its size. I just played little bit with code and tried to pass a function by reference..

How can I extend a lexical cast to support enumerated types?


create a single function that combines both of these I've played a bit with the template arguments but haven't come up with anything..

Using unicode font in c++ console app


sizes. So it seems this trick worked for me when I played with it because I always had running at least one console app..

How to start developing with OpenGL and C++, what tools do I need to install on windows [closed]


a built in glut emulation that at least the last time I played with it seemed considerably better implemented than glut itself..

How to perfrom Cross-Platform Asynchronous File I/O in C++


80 individual short sound recordings which can get played back by my application at any time. For this reason all the..

Embarassing C++ question regarding const


me thinking about the issues of constness and sorting. I played around a bit and reduced my issues to the fact that this code..

Access C++ shared library from Java: JNI, JNA, CNI, or SWIG?


improve this question For Java C I've used JNI JNA and played with SWIG. JNA is the easiest to use but as you note requires..

C++ Builder or Visual Studio


Have you moved your project to Visual Studio or have you played around with the new Builder XE to find many of its previous..

C++ Builder or Visual Studio for native C++ development?


I've never been a big fan of MFC from the first time I played around with it in the VS 6.0 days but haven't taken a close..

Creating a counter that stays synchronized across MPI processes


I wouldn't say anything much stronger than that haven't played with this stuff for a long time . There's a simple counter implementation..

Why do all these crazy function pointer definitions all work? What is really going on?


came to me function pointer definitions Unfortunately as I played around with what I once remembered about function pointers I..

class & function names highlighting in Vim


can't be highlighted the code is more difficult to read. I played with color scheme for a bit but couldn't find any field that..

Calling R Function from C++


can have a TAG the meaning of which depends on the role played by the node. Here we attach an argument name. SET_TAG CDR e..

Undefined reference to 'vtable for xxx'


class to determine the results of a game of takeaway played between two computers or a computer and human. Revision Log..

Audio output with video processing with opencv


and audio go out of sync real fast since they are being played independently of each other. The ffmpeg tutorials I suggested..

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express installation/run problems


be the worst program I have ever had to deal with I have played video games in beta that worked better than that. I think I..