c++ Programming Glossary: opengl
Getting started with OpenGL [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/239917/getting-started-with-opengl started with OpenGL closed As you can see here I'm about to start work on a 3d.. websites tips etc. on someone getting started with OpenGL for the first time The project will be in C and accessing OpenGL.. for the first time The project will be in C and accessing OpenGL via GLUT. c opengl 3d glut share improve this question ..
Easy framework for OpenGL Shaders in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2795044/easy-framework-for-opengl-shaders-in-c-c framework for OpenGL Shaders in C C I just wanted to try out some shaders on a flat.. shader on it is not that easy You have to initialize OpenGL which are like 100 lines of code then understanding the GLBuffers.. use of static variables delays destruction until after the OpenGL context has been destroyed so when the destructors attempt to..
OpenGL - mask with multiple textures http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5097145/opengl-mask-with-multiple-textures mask with multiple textures I have implemented masking in OpenGL.. mask with multiple textures I have implemented masking in OpenGL according to the following concept The mask is composed of black..
Creating a 3D sphere in Opengl using Visual C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5988686/creating-a-3d-sphere-in-opengl-using-visual-c C I am not able to create a simple 3D sphere using the OpenGL library function glutSolidSphere in C . Here's what I tried.. glutMainLoop c opengl share improve this question In OpenGL you don't create objects you just draw them. Once they are drawn.. create objects you just draw them. Once they are drawn OpenGL no longer cares about what geometry you sent it. glutSolidSphere..
OpenGL define vertex position in pixels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7377912/opengl-define-vertex-position-in-pixels define vertex position in pixels I've been writing a 2D basic.. in pixels I've been writing a 2D basic game engine in OpenGL C and learning everything as I go along. I'm still rather confused.. to understand the vertex to pixels conversion mechanism of OpenGL. Can it be explained briefly or can someone point to an article..
Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9011108/image-scaling-keepaspectratiobyexpanding-through-opengl scaling KeepAspectRatioByExpanding through OpenGL I'm trying to implement image scaling in OpenGL using only.. through OpenGL I'm trying to implement image scaling in OpenGL using only glTexCoord2f and glVertex2f . Let me explain after.. QPainter Antialiasing qDebug GLWidget paintEvent OpenGL painter.paintEngine type QPaintEngine OpenGL painter.paintEngine..
How to render offscreen on OpenGL? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12157646/how-to-render-offscreen-on-opengl to any size for example 10000x10000 if possible c windows opengl off screen share improve this question It all starts with..
OpenGL and GLUT in Eclipse on OS X http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2068693/opengl-and-glut-in-eclipse-on-os-x the gcc linker settings but this seems ineffective. c osx opengl eclipse cdt glut share improve this question Ok. I got it..
opengl: glFlush() vs. glFinish() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2143240/opengl-glflush-vs-glfinish glFlush vs. glFinish I'm having trouble distinguishing the.. glFlush and glFinish will push all buffered operations to opengl so that one can be assured they will all be executed the difference.. game loop while running process_stuff render_stuff c c opengl share improve this question Mind that these commands exist..
Getting started with OpenGL [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/239917/getting-started-with-opengl The project will be in C and accessing OpenGL via GLUT. c opengl 3d glut share improve this question The Red Book online..
Easy framework for OpenGL Shaders in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2795044/easy-framework-for-opengl-shaders-in-c-c Does anybody have an example or is there a framework c c opengl share improve this question First of all I'd avoid using..
Edges on polygon outlines not always correct http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3039026/edges-on-polygon-outlines-not-always-correct j 1 .x output.push_back round j 1 .y c c algorithm opengl graphics share improve this question Requires Eigen as written..
How is dynamic_cast typically implemented? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3314944/how-is-dynamic-cast-typically-implemented
OpenGL - mask with multiple textures http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5097145/opengl-mask-with-multiple-textures something about fragment shaders. Is this the way to go c opengl mask blending share improve this question This should work..
Creating a 3D sphere in Opengl using Visual C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5988686/creating-a-3d-sphere-in-opengl-using-visual-c pendulum glutDisplayFunc display myInit glutMainLoop c opengl share improve this question In OpenGL you don't create objects..
Calculating normals in a triangle mesh http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6656358/calculating-normals-in-a-triangle-mesh GL_NORMAL_ARRAY glPopMatrix c opengl computational geometry normals share improve this question..
OpenGL define vertex position in pixels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7377912/opengl-define-vertex-position-in-pixels to an article or something that'll explain this. Thanks c opengl share improve this question It is called transformation... be easiest to understand as a starter. http www.songho.ca opengl gl_transform.html http www.opengl.org wiki Vertex_Transformation.. http www.songho.ca opengl gl_transform.html http www.opengl.org wiki Vertex_Transformation http www.falloutsoftware.com..
How to use GLEW with MinGW http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8870793/how-to-use-glew-with-mingw g o Chapter10 OpenCLTest .exe src Chapter10 OpenCLTest .o lopengl32 lglew lglut32 lglu32 lopencl src Chapter10 OpenCLTest .o Chapter10.. problem but by the way I want to ask are there any other opengl implementaions of gl extentions c c opengl glew share improve.. any other opengl implementaions of gl extentions c c opengl glew share improve this question You could try GLee which..
Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9011108/image-scaling-keepaspectratiobyexpanding-through-opengl And here you can download the data file . c c qt opengl image scaling share improve this question You can simply..
What does this & operator mean here? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11164617/what-does-this-operator-mean-here this operator mean here I was reading some tutorial about openGL in qt. One of the mouse event slot has this code in it if event..
OpenGL Shader Version Compile Error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12631437/opengl-shader-version-compile-error is a copy of my shader code just for reference and my openGL information. #version 330 core layout location 0 in vec3 Position..
openGL SubTexturing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/205522/opengl-subtexturing SubTexturing I have image data and i want to get a sub image..
opengl: glFlush() vs. glFinish() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2143240/opengl-glflush-vs-glfinish run into the problem of submitting more operations to openGL than it could execute. So just to try I swapped out my glFinish.. one should be used vs. the other. I also figured that openGL would have some call like glIsDone to check whether or not all.. are complete or not so one doesn't send operations to openGL faster than they can be executed but I could find no such function...
How to pass a class method as an argument for another function in C++ and openGL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2496716/how-to-pass-a-class-method-as-an-argument-for-another-function-in-c-and-opengl class method as an argument for another function in C and openGL I know this thing works void myDisplay ... int main ... glutDisplayFunc..
Make openGL lines connected http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2751874/make-opengl-lines-connected openGL lines connected Right now I'v created a polygon then I do the..
How to get VBO working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3121472/how-to-get-vbo-working for the SDK in Windows Server 2003 R2 Platform SDK these openGL files are for sure but you should try first Windows 7 Vista..
what SDL and OpenGL version and implementation I'm using http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4560174/what-sdl-and-opengl-version-and-implementation-im-using know if my triangle is done on a the GPU or CPU. And what openGL version I'm using I mean i heard that Microsoft don't update..
How to take screenshot in opengl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5844858/how-to-take-screenshot-in-opengl improve this question This piece of code captures the openGL window and export to an BMP file. You must have FreeImage library..
Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9011108/image-scaling-keepaspectratiobyexpanding-through-opengl flags QMainWindow parent flags ui.setupUi this GLWidget openGL new GLWidget this QGridLayout layout new QGridLayout setLayout..
Loading texture for OpenGL with OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9126002/loading-texture-for-opengl-with-opencv suggestions How should I do the conversion from cv Mat to openGL texture c opengl opencv textures share improve this question..
Opengl linux undefined reference to basic functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10000925/opengl-linux-undefined-reference-to-basic-functions linux undefined reference to basic functions I wrote a program..
Cannot run Opengl program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17632340/cannot-run-opengl-program run Opengl program I took this progrAM from OpenGL superbible 5th edition.I..
Opengl Vertex attribute stride http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4291271/opengl-vertex-attribute-stride Vertex attribute stride Hey. I new to OpenGL ES but I've had..
what SDL and OpenGL version and implementation I'm using http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4560174/what-sdl-and-opengl-version-and-implementation-im-using a simple triangle. I include 2 header files above and my Opengl code just works I don't know if my triangle is done on a the..
Visual Studio C++ 2010 express and OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5055288/visual-studio-c-2010-express-and-opengl to get started. I don't even found a download link or what Opengl projects should i use. c visual studio 2010 visual c opengl..
Opengl: 2d HUD over 3D http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5467218/opengl-2d-hud-over-3d 2d HUD over 3D I have looked at some questions posted here..
Creating a 3D sphere in Opengl using Visual C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5988686/creating-a-3d-sphere-in-opengl-using-visual-c a 3D sphere in Opengl using Visual C I am not able to create a simple 3D sphere using..
Opengl object extrusion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8863790/opengl-object-extrusion object extrusion I've got a 3d box drawn in opengl can someone..