c++ Programming Glossary: op
What does 'unsigned temp:3' mean? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2950029/what-does-unsigned-temp3-mean never seen. The struct definition is as follows struct op unsigned op_type 9 what does this mean unsigned op_opt 1 unsigned.. The struct definition is as follows struct op unsigned op_type 9 what does this mean unsigned op_opt 1 unsigned op_latefree.. struct op unsigned op_type 9 what does this mean unsigned op_opt 1 unsigned op_latefree 1 unsigned op_latefreed 1 unsigned..
Pass by Reference / Value in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/410593/pass-by-reference-value-in-c by reference. I drew a picture So for passing by value a copy of an identical object is created with a different reference.. is assigned the new reference so to point to the new copy How to understand the words If the function modifies that value.. that value the modifications appear also within the scope of the calling function for both passing by value and by reference..
Does std::list::remove method call destructor of each removed element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4260464/does-stdlistremove-method-call-destructor-of-each-removed-element release the Foo . Destroying a raw pointer is always a no op. It cannot be any other way Let me give you several reasons.. the answer is undefined behavior . Foo p Has p been properly initialized The answer is NO but the runtime doesn't know.. the pointee destroying a pointer variable is always a no op. Doing nothing is definitely better than causing undefined behavior..
Is there any reason to check for a NULL pointer before deleting? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/615355/is-there-any-reason-to-check-for-a-null-pointer-before-deleting to delete a null pointer it effectively amounts to a no op. The reason you might want to check for null before you delete..
Object destruction in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6403055/object-destruction-in-c In the following text I will distinguish between scoped objects whose time of destruction is statically determined.. destruction is statically determined by their enclosing scope functions blocks classes expressions and dynamic objects whose.. the destruction of a scalar object is always a no op. Specifically destructing a pointer variable does not destroy..
Implementing a no-op std::ostream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/760301/implementing-a-no-op-stdostream a no op std ostream I'm looking at making a logging class which has.. debugging share improve this question To prevent the operator invocations from doing formatting you should know the.. solution follows. class NullStream public void setFile no op template typename TPrintable NullStream operator TPrintable..
How does std::forward work? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8526598/how-does-stdforward-work ' after collapsing rules 'static_cast int v ' this is a no op 'v' is already 'int ' huzzah we forwarded an lvalue to the constructor.. we forwarded an lvalue to the constructor of '_v' I hope this step by step answer helps you and others understand just..
Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8706356/boolean-expression-grammar-parser-in-c variant support note the definition of expr struct op_or tag struct op_and tag struct op_xor tag struct op_not tag.. note the definition of expr struct op_or tag struct op_and tag struct op_xor tag struct op_not tag typedef std string.. of expr struct op_or tag struct op_and tag struct op_xor tag struct op_not tag typedef std string var template typename..
Is there a way to write make_unique() in VS2012? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12547983/is-there-a-way-to-write-make-unique-in-vs2012 simulates variadic templates for up to 5 arguments. Since OP seems to not like copy paste work here's the Boost.Preprocessor..
Aliasing `T*` with `char*` is allowed. Is it also allowed the other way around? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12612488/aliasing-t-with-char-is-allowed-is-it-also-allowed-the-other-way-around alignment char c sizeof int I'm assuming here that the OP really meant to use c and not c this is however inconsequential..
Showing JPG image with Qt does not work with release executable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12800346/showing-jpg-image-with-qt-does-not-work-with-release-executable Location of imageformats directory It turned out that the OP had already set up the directory structure accordingly. The..
What am I allowed to do with a static, constexpr, in-class initialized data member? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14547986/what-am-i-allowed-to-do-with-a-static-constexpr-in-class-initialized-data-memb reference I shall sum up the referenced question here. The OP defines a class struct Account static constexpr int period 30.. 4.1 is immediately applied Emphases are mine In the OP's question variable period clearly satisfies the requirements..
Common macro to read input data and check its validity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15792984/common-macro-to-read-input-data-and-check-its-validity majority of these questions. Example 1 of questions The OP could ask scan the input data the data should be integer so.. integer should be 3 and 15 Example 2 of questions The OP could ask scan the input data the data should be double so 11.2a..
Why do we copy then move? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16724657/why-do-we-copy-then-move
Does the JVM create a mutex for every object in order to implement the 'synchronized' keyword? If not, how? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1898374/does-the-jvm-create-a-mutex-for-every-object-in-order-to-implement-the-synchron the lifetime of the object. EDIT I just noticed that the OP was talking about OS supported mutexes. In the examples that..
Float to binary in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2746380/float-to-binary-in-c a float into 8 bits are of course correct but actually the OP is groping towards the understanding that a float like all atomic..
C++ arrays as function arguments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2867783/c-arrays-as-function-arguments
How are local and global variables initialized by default? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3553559/how-are-local-and-global-variables-initialized-by-default 8.5 before any other initialization takes place. . In OP global_A and global_int have static storage duration. local_int..
Unsequenced value computations (a.k.a sequence points) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3852768/unsequenced-value-computations-a-k-a-sequence-points correct P.S. The method of analyzing the expressions as in OP is not correct. This is because as @Potatoswatter notes clause..
openCV: How to split a video into image sequence? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4350698/opencv-how-to-split-a-video-into-image-sequence demand than a typical StackOverflow question whereby the OP provides detailed information and demonstrates that he or she..
Why is it allowed to cast a pointer to a reference? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5924248/why-is-it-allowed-to-cast-a-pointer-to-a-reference being the topic of this question it emerged that the OP just overlooked the dereference. Meanwhile this answer got me..
make_unique and perfect forwarding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7038357/make-unique-and-perfect-forwarding implementation that is identical with the one given by the OP. Edit std make_unique will be part of C 14 . share improve..
Why the Compiler does not detect correct function signature in error? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7111843/why-the-compiler-does-not-detect-correct-function-signature-in-error to this which was posted a little while earlier. While the OP was happy accepting the answer which solved his problem I was..
Type of integer literals not int by default? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8108642/type-of-integer-literals-not-int-by-default until 10 billion in a for loop takes so much longer the OP actually aborted it after 10 mins than iterating until 1 billion..
Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8706356/boolean-expression-grammar-parser-in-c int main for auto input std list std string From the OP a and b xor c and d or a and b a and b xor c and d or a and.. For bonus points to get a tree exactly like shown in the OP static const char indentstep struct tree_print boost static_visitor..
How can I intercept all key events, including ctrl+alt+del and ctrl+tab? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/886076/how-can-i-intercept-all-key-events-including-ctrlaltdel-and-ctrltab allowed to or not able to write system software but your OP seemed to be quite clearly asking how to do it without writing..