c++ Programming Glossary: on_error
Parse quoted strings with boost::spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10289985/parse-quoted-strings-with-boostspirit test_parser base_type test test using qi fail using qi on_error using qi lit using qi lexeme using ascii char_ using qi repeat.. arrow any_string at_c 3 _val _1 .. snip set rule names on_error fail snip debug rules qi rule Iterator arrow qi rule Iterator..
boost::spirit::qi Expectation Parser and parser grouping unexpected behaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10378970/boostspiritqi-expectation-parser-and-parser-grouping-unexpected-behaviour thrown. This by default aborts the parse. You could use qi on_error to retry fail accept or rethrow . The MiniXML example has very.. has very good examples on using expectation points with qi on_error If the answer to the previous question is no how do I construct..
Boost::spirit how to parse and call c++ function-like expressions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17012941/boostspirit-how-to-parse-and-call-c-function-like-expressions ' ' value_ int_ string_ expr_ function_call_ value_ on_error fail expr_ std cout phx val Error Expecting _4 phx val here..
boost spirit on_error not triggered http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19215938/boost-spirit-on-error-not-triggered spirit on_error not triggered ^ No it is not. This was part of the problem.. like to start handle errors when it fail. I copied the on_error handle 1 1 from the mini xml example and it compiles but it.. omit using qi no_case using qi print using qi eps using qi on_error using qi fail using qi lit namespace phx boost phoenix using..
boost-sprit-lex unifying multiple tokens into a single token in lex differentiated by the id http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19244345/boost-sprit-lex-unifying-multiple-tokens-into-a-single-token-in-lex-differentiat oid_.name ordinal identifier pair ordinal.name ordinal on_error fail namespace_descriptor_ error_handler _1 _2 _3 _4 on_success..