c++ Programming Glossary: occurring
0xC0020001: The string binding is invalid. - Only occurring in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11835748/0xc0020001-the-string-binding-is-invalid-only-occurring-in-wpf The string binding is invalid. Only occurring in WPF First off I should probably say that I'm probably at..
Is there any way to force the WorkingSet of a process to be 1GB in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12228321/is-there-any-way-to-force-the-workingset-of-a-process-to-be-1gb-in-c specifically answer your question the page faults that are occurring when you've just had a GC.Collect aren't page in faults they're..
Unable to catch c++ exception using catch (…) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1373686/unable-to-catch-c-exception-using-catch ... so that I could log information about the exception occurring no specific details just that it happened. But for some reason..
C++ DAL - Return Reference or Populate Passed In Reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1520018/c-dal-return-reference-or-populate-passed-in-reference of memory on the caller and stops any weird mistakes from occurring. Edit Return by reference is sensible but only when the parent..
What is exactly the “immediate context” mentioned in the C++11 Standard for which SFINAE applies? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15260685/what-is-exactly-the-immediate-context-mentioned-in-the-c11-standard-for-whic generated first before substitution starts then any errors occurring in that first step are not in the immediate context and result..
C++11 thread-safe queue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15278343/c11-thread-safe-queue and inspection in gdb indicates that the segfaults are occurring because the queue is empty. How is this possible It was my understanding..
How to get the WTTLog.lib and wttlogger.h header file for 64-bit version of WTTLog.DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18458663/how-to-get-the-wttlog-lib-and-wttlogger-h-header-file-for-64-bit-version-of-wttl for the thread Unresolved external symbol error occurring only in 64 bit mode and not in 32 bit build . I have a VC code..
the specified module could not be found 0x8007007E http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2066180/the-specified-module-could-not-be-found-0x8007007e visual studio share improve this question The error is occurring when the .Net runtime JITs the method you're about to step into..
Windows Vista/Win7 Privilege Problem: SeDebugPrivilege & OpenProcess http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2932461/windows-vista-win7-privilege-problem-sedebugprivilege-openprocess and my test environment is that the actual error is occurring when using a Domain Administrator account at the UAC prompt.. FALSE pidList i if hProcess NULL Error is occurring here under the given conditions cout Error opening process PID..
What are some reasons a Release build would run differently than a Debug build http://stackoverflow.com/questions/312312/what-are-some-reasons-a-release-build-would-run-differently-than-a-debug-build In release mode there's an apparent intermittent crash occurring. In debug mode it doesn't crash. What are some reasons that..
Why is std::function not equality comparable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3629835/why-is-stdfunction-not-equality-comparable there's no possibility of unwanted implicit conversions occurring in some previously undiscovered corner case. How is it different..
How to force inclusion of “unused” object definitions in a library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4383602/how-to-force-inclusion-of-unused-object-definitions-in-a-library contains concrete_thingy.cpp but the registration is not occurring when that is linked to an executable. The collection ends up..
Distinguish between single and double click events in Qt http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4627347/distinguish-between-single-and-double-click-events-in-qt was single clicked or double clicked. The problem that is occurring is that the single click event is received prior to the double..
Locking strategies and techniques for preventing deadlocks in code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6012640/locking-strategies-and-techniques-for-preventing-deadlocks-in-code to a bare minimum. Don't count on two events always occurring in the same order even if you can't see any way of them reversing..
How do I link libcurl to my c++ program in linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6302282/how-do-i-link-libcurl-to-my-c-program-in-linux Your header file inclusions are just fine your problem is occurring at the linking step. In order to link against libcurl you need..
identifier “string” undefined? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7146719/identifier-string-undefined getLevel Can someone please explain to me why this is occurring c string share improve this question string.h is the old..
Value returning 1.#INF000 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8488841/value-returning-1-inf000 evaluates to 1.#INF000 what does this mean and why is it occurring tmax seems to be fine. float Ray Intersects BoundingBox boundingBox..
Is it valid to write the template type's parameter list in a constructor declaration? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8636094/is-it-valid-to-write-the-template-types-parameter-list-in-a-constructor-declara and is not a typedef name but 8.3p1 says An unqualified id occurring in a declarator id shall be a simple identifier except for the..
How to detect whether Windows is shutting down or restarting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/981306/how-to-detect-whether-windows-is-shutting-down-or-restarting ...it is not possible to determine which event is occurring but the cumulative cleverness of stackoverflow never ceases..