

c++ Programming Glossary: obviously

Why aren't my include guards preventing recursive inclusion and multiple symbol definitions?


I keep getting errors about non existing symbols which are obviously there or even weirder syntax errors every time I write something..

Difference between A* pA = new A; and A* pA = new A();


new A will value initialize the new A object. This is obviously different behaviour for POD types but also affects non POD non..

Uses of C comma operator


As an additional note the very design of the language is obviously tailored towards statements. Statements can freely invoke expressions..

Why is `i = ++i + 1` unspecified behavior?


arguments is important to evaluation. For example i i is obviously undefined. Please consider only my case i i 1 . Why does the..

Get the IP address of the machine


but where To make things a bit clearer The server will obviously have the localhost The server will have an internal..

How does C compute sin() and other math functions?


slower even though I think my algorithms are pretty clever obviously they're not . c c math share improve this question In GNU..

Dynamically allocating an array of objects


share improve this question For building containers you obviously want to use one of the standard containers such as a std vector..

Regular cast vs. static_cast vs. dynamic_cast


of these languages that I've never really understood. I've obviously used regular casts i.e. MyClass m MyClass ptr all over the place..

How do exceptions work (behind the scenes) in c++


simply because an exception might be thrown there is obviously a lot of overhead in actually throwing and catching an exception...

Erasing elements from a vector


myNmbers.push_back i erase myNmbers 1 return 0 This code obviously crashes because I am changing the end of the vector while iterating..

C++11 rvalues and move semantics confusion


int rval_ref return_vector except that in my rewrite you obviously can't use rval_ref in a non const manner. Second example std..

What makes more sense - char* string or char *string? [duplicate]


see the latter format. This applies to references as well obviously. Could someone tell me if there is a logical reason for the..

Developing Internet Explorer Extensions?


Most modern browsers you use window.localStorage but obviously with IE8 IE7 that's not an option. Maybe a SQLite DB or such..

Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope?


drawer inaccessible if you haven't rented the room Well obviously that scenario can happen in the real world no problem. There..

Unicode encoding for string literals in C++11


will return the number of code units not code points. And obviously the C standard library string functions are totally useless..

How to Compile for OS X in Linux or Windows?


how to achieve 4 FLOPs per cycle


Now for some explanations The performance critical part is obviously the 48 instructions inside the inner loop. You'll notice that..

Which kind of pointer do I use when?


long as you don't use operations that need copyable types obviously . Note again that Boost has an array version scoped_array which..

Why can't variables be declared in a switch statement?


much anywhere and declaring them close to first use is obviously a good thing but the following still won't work switch val case..

Take the address of a one-past-the-end array element via subscript: legal by the C++ Standard or not?


pointer is not even allowed to exist which means you're obviously not allowed to dereference it either. Here's what the standard..

Algorithm improvement for Coca-Cola can shape recognition


would represent the pixels that match this threshold. Obviously there is still a lot of crap in the image but this reduces the..

Passing shared pointers as arguments


function will need to make a copy of a shared_ptr correct Obviously. So I pass it by a reference to const and copy to a local variable..

Any reason to overload global new and delete?


allocators in C most of which are still very relevant. Obviously if you can use any of these fine tools you will want to do so..

throwing exceptions out of a destructor


it make sense to throw an exception out of the destructor Obviously these kinds of errors are rare but possible. c exception destructor..

std::function vs template


while function s cover the internals via virtual calls. Obviously templates have their issues as I see them they have to be provided..

How to pass parameters correctly?


CreditCard cc 12345 2 2015 1001 Account acc asdasd 345 cc Obviously the credit card will be copied twice in this scenario. If I..

When should functions be member functions?


that should be exploited I think it should be discouraged. Obviously this is only possible in a language like C that is not pure..

C++: std::string in a multi-threaded program


and portably use std string in a multi threaded program Obviously no STL data structure is thread safe. But at least with std..

Get the IP address of the machine


find the external IP address to bind my application to it. Obviously I can also bind to INADDR_ANY and actually that's what I do..

Why don't C++ compilers define operator== and operator!=?


performing a member by member comparison be a problem Obviously if the class allocates memory then you'd want to be careful..

Why does this program crash: passing of std::string between DLLs


main A a std string s a.getString return 0 crash on exit Obviously this is due to the different memory models for the executable..

What is the lifetime of a static variable in a C++ function?


and this flag is checked on every entry to the function. Obviously this is a small performance hit but what's more of a concern..

C++ - passing references to boost::shared_ptr


shared_ptr void send_message std shared_ptr std string msg Obviously that can be changed to void send_message const std shared_ptr..

C++ - enum vs. const vs. #define


1 int y WIDTH s error 2 int z Width s error 3 return 0 Obviously each multiplication results in compilation error but see how..

How to implement the factory pattern in C++ correctly


it both from both Cartesian and polar coordinates. Obviously I cannot do struct Vec2 Vec2 float x float y Vec2 float angle..

C++ Header order


What order should headers be declared in a header cpp file Obviously those that are required by subsequent headers should be earlier..

What can I do with a moved-from object?


object b std move c line 3 assignment to moved from object Obviously it must be possible to assign to moved from objects otherwise..

Can I list-initialize a vector of move-only type?


int std vector move_only v move_only move_only move_only Obviously that cannot work because std unique_ptr is not copyable error..

Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++


and_ xor_ or_ simple expr_ Operating on the syntax tree Obviously you'd want to evaluate the expressions. For now I decided to..