c++ Programming Glossary: omission
Zero size struct http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10971651/zero-size-struct except that it may have more trailing padding than the omission would imply. emphasis mine Flexible array members are not allowed..
Confused by default constructor description of std::tuple in the ISO C++ Standard http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11386042/confused-by-default-constructor-description-of-stdtuple-in-the-iso-c-standar to instantiate such an empty tuple or it might just be an omission . Both stdlibc and libc have an explicit specialization for..
What is exactly the base pointer and stack pointer? To what do they point? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1395591/what-is-exactly-the-base-pointer-and-stack-pointer-to-what-do-they-point ebx ebp 8 Load ebx from second local FPO or frame pointer omission optimization which you can enable will actually eliminate this..
Use std::initializer_list in Visual C++ Compiler November 2012 CTP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14559761/use-stdinitializer-list-in-visual-c-compiler-november-2012-ctp without decent tuple and intializer_list this includes the omission of the braced init list constructors for all standard containers..
what does malloc(0) return? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2132273/what-does-malloc0-return 0 which may or may not return NULL . I am not sure if the omission in C99 is an oversight or if it means that in C99 realloc ptr..
Is `volatile` required for shared memory accessed via access function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148319/is-volatile-required-for-shared-memory-accessed-via-access-function systems code one of the most common errors I see is the omission of volatile for thread interrupt shared data. However my question.. volatile but my concern is for when it is omitted and the omission is not spotted will this be safe The above example is trivial..
Optimizing away a “while(1);” in C++0x http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3592557/optimizing-away-a-while1-in-c0x the behaviour undefined it has declared it undefined by omission. Consider a similar argument the compiler may assume a variable..
Is storing an invalid pointer automatically undefined behavior? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3838855/is-storing-an-invalid-pointer-automatically-undefined-behavior the C Draft Standard here and it makes it undefined by omission. It defines the case of ptr I at 6.5.6 8 for If the pointer..
Use of typename keyword with template function parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4347730/use-of-typename-keyword-with-template-function-parameters itself states that non type names are ignored. So you get omission of typename for free The name that name lookup yields to more..
Blob extraction in OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4641817/blob-extraction-in-opencv labelling functionality which seems like a serious omission for a computer vision library. Anyway I had a similar requirement..
Compile-time assert for string equality http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5721813/compile-time-assert-for-string-equality that abc 0 is constant expression. It is not. Weird omission in the language. It would be possibe had abc 0 been constand..
C++ vector of arrays http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6041459/c-vector-of-arrays C has a special rule about brace elision permitting the omission of the inner braces unless there is an ambiguity. array exploits..
add new member to copy c-tor/copy o-tor/serialization reminder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/655856/add-new-member-to-copy-c-tor-copy-o-tor-serialization-reminder Hopefully though this should be enough once you see your omission from the constructors you will probably remember to go through..
Copy constructor vs. return value optimization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/665825/copy-constructor-vs-return-value-optimization this question The standard allows any level of copy omission here construct a local temporary copy construct it into a return..
boost:serialization reconstruction (loading) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6734814/boostserialization-reconstruction-loading have omitted BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID state state This omission might lead to segmentation faults once you get the load compiling..
unordered_map hash function c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7222143/unordered-map-hash-function-c share improve this question This is an unfortunate omission in C 11 Boost has the answer in terms of hash_combine . Feel..
Is it valid to write the template type's parameter list in a constructor declaration? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8636094/is-it-valid-to-write-the-template-types-parameter-list-in-a-constructor-declara that the above code is ill formed Or is this an accidental omission If you do the same in an out of line definition you will try..
“As a rule of thumb, make all your methods virtual” in C++ - sound advice? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9660207/as-a-rule-of-thumb-make-all-your-methods-virtual-in-c-sound-advice but not constructors to avoid problems associated with omission of the virtual keyword. I found this in the Wrox book Professional..