

c++ Programming Glossary: olestr

How to retrieve the Interface ID of a COM class so that it can be passed to CoCreateInstance?


CoInitialize NULL return 1 if S_OK CLSIDFromProgID OLESTR Scripting.FileSystemObject ClassID hResult CoCreateInstance.. CoInitialize NULL return 1 if SUCCEEDED CLSIDFromProgID OLESTR Scripting.FileSystemObject ClassID IDispatch pDispatch if SUCCEEDED..

Raw C++ code to display the names of tables in an SQL compact server using OLE DB


spIDBInitialize hr spIDBInitialize.CoCreateInstance OLESTR Microsoft.SQLLITE.MOBILE.OLEDB.3.0 CComPtr IDBProperties spIDBProperties.. void spIDBProperties CComVariant varDataSource OLESTR InsertYourSampleDatabase.SDF DBPROP prop DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE.. NULL hr spICommandText SetCommandText DBGUID_SQL OLESTR SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES DBROWCOUNT..

Using SqlServer CE without installation


void spIDBProperties CComVariant varDataSource OLESTR InsertYourSampleDatabase.SDF DBPROP prop DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE..