

c++ Programming Glossary: msvc10

What does '&' do in a C++ declaration?


Why does this program crash: passing of std::string between DLLs


in each case. Ask your compiler what sizeof std string is MSVC10 tells me that it's 32 in a debug build and 28 in a release build..

Visual Studio 2010 and std::function


it can use decltype . If with functional it fails with MSVC10 in C 0x mode it smells like a bug i would say. But maybe someone..

Can virtual functions have default parameters?


42 pd1 Speak n Der 84 endl The output of this program on MSVC10 and GCC 4.4 is Base 42 Der 42 Der 84 share improve this answer..

GCC vs MS C++ compiler for maintaining API backwards binary compatibility


breaks its ABI every major release MSVC8 2005 MSVC9 2008 MSVC10 2010 are not compatible with each other. Some frequently flags..

How can I use Standard Library (STL) classes in my dll interface or ABI?


of knowing what it will be anywhere else. Now say you use MSVC10 to write a DLL that exports this class class MyGizmo public.. MyGizmo Assuming my proposed implementations above under MSVC10 its going to be sizeof char but under SP1 it will be sizeof..

Does MSVC10 Visual Studio 2010 support C++ range based loops


MSVC10 Visual Studio 2010 support C range based loops Does MSVC10.. Visual Studio 2010 support C range based loops Does MSVC10 support the C 0x draft standard's range based loop http en.wikipedia.org..

Is std::ofstream movable?


ofstream movable I have this map which compiles fine in MSVC10 std map std string std ofstream m_logFiles But on ubuntu using.. in the standard containers If yes then is g behind MSVC10 on this point which would explain why it works on MSVC . I know..

BOOST uBLAS matrix product extremely slow


s for a 2000x2000 matrix Operations OPERATION MATLAB C MSVC10 A B 0.04 0.04 A B 0.04 0.04 AB 1.0 62.66 A'B' 1.0 54.35 Why..

Well, how does the custom deleter of std::unique_ptr work?


ptr share improve this question This works for me in MSVC10 int x 5 auto del int p std cout Deleting x value is p std unique_ptr..

Is there a library that provides a (directed) hypergraph implementation in C++?


I finally got a hypermap to compile without warnings on MSVC10 and GCC http ideone.com oj46o . Declarations #include map #include..

How to drive C#, C++ or Java compiler to compute 1+2+3+…+1000?


Updated Now with improved recursion depth Works on MSVC10 and GCC without increased depth. Simple compile time recursion.. 1000u equals 500500u p Live example on Ideone . Output for MSVC10 error C2514 'sum_from Start to Goal equals Result ' class has..

std::lower_bound slower for std::vector than std::map::find


from 4 to 128 bytes ranging from 8 to 2000 elements with MSVC10. I expected higher performance for 1 creating from a range for.. on a sorted std vector be outperformed by a std map in MSVC10 EDIT I've confirmed that std lower_bound on std vector std pair..

Why does the rvalue overload of `operator<<` for `basic_ostream` return an lvalue reference?


example of undefined behaviour. Prints nothing for me on MSVC10 . The above example might look contrived but it shouldn't be..

Why does the compiler select the base class constructor inside the template argument list?


to A B A B or even A const B . Also note that three of MSVC10 GCC 4.7 and Clang 3.1 ToT will error out so it must be something..