

c++ Programming Glossary: msbuild

Reuse define statement from .h file in C# code


You can achieve what you want in just a few steps Create a MSBuild Task http msdn.microsoft.com en us library t9883dzc.aspx Update..

Visual Studio 2012 - Required file “tracker.exe” is missing


Required file tracker.exe is missing. C Program Files x86 MSBuild Microsoft.Cpp v4.0 V110 Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 251 6 CryGame.. such as when building on a 64 bit OS using 32 bit MSBuild. This build requires Tracker.exe but it could not be found...

How to build a VS2010 C++ Project on a BuildServer


The command windir Microsoft.NET Framework v4.0.30319 MSBuild.exe MyProject.sln compiles the solution on my dev machine. On.. 23 3 error MSB4019 The imported project C Program Files MSBuild Microsoft.Cpp v4.0 Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props was not found... Error s On my dev machine the claimed file C Program Files MSBuild Microsoft.Cpp v4.0 Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props exists. On my..

The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002)


recompile the library but I get this error C Program Files MSBuild Microsoft.Cpp v4.0 Microsoft.CppBuild.targets 990 5 warning.. the value specified in Link.OutputFile . C Program Files MSBuild Microsoft.Cpp v4.0 Microsoft.CppBuild.targets 992 5 warning..

How do I start a CUDA app in Visual Studio 2010?


build customisations file installed into the Program Files MSBuild Microsoft.Cpp v4.0 BuildCustomizations directory teaches Visual..

How to use T4 code generation templates with VS C++ projects?


directly. Another way I found was to add a custom MSBuild task. Instructions can be found here This page has more information..

VS2010 static linking issue


Workaround taken from this site In the file ProgramsFile MSBuild Microsoft.cpp v4.0 Microsoft.CPPBuild.Targets there is a line..

Can I pass a preprocessor definition to the resource compiler through the command line?


#define value are being created through command line using MSBuild. The difficulty I have been running into is that using Visual.. to find a way to pass a Preprocessor definition value to MSBuild via the command line. Does anyone know a way to pass a preprocessor.. Be sure to pick the right configuration. Then when you use MSBuild from the command line type or add to a batch file ... C Projects..

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express installation/run problems


4 I get the error The platform root directory E .......... MSBuild Microsoft.cpp v4.0 Platforms does not exist. What do I do I.. Express The platforms root directory E Program Files x86 MSBuild Microsoft.Cpp v4.0 Platforms does not exist. OK The microsoft.cpp..

How to get rid off “BSCMAKE error BK1500: Internal error” compile errors


error BK1500 Internal error&rdquo compile errors I use msbuild to compile a Visual Studio 2010 solution and need a successfull.. successfull build without any errors. But each time I run msbuild rebuild or cleaning and compile my solution directly using Visual.. cleaning but it is not a good solution to me to run msbuild twice ... 10 Generating Code... 11 xxxxxxxx mshtml.tlh 63588..

libzip with Visual Studio 2010


bit Windows use Visual Studio 10 Win64 as the G parameter. msbuild P Configuration Debug INSTALL.vcxproj msbuild P Configuration.. G parameter. msbuild P Configuration Debug INSTALL.vcxproj msbuild P Configuration Release INSTALL.vcxproj cd C devel libzip 0.10.1..

msbuild: set a specific preprocessor #define in the command line


set a specific preprocessor #define in the command line In.. #endif I want to set this ACTIVE define to 1 with the msbuild command line. It tried this but it doesn't work msbuild p DefineConstants.. msbuild command line. It tried this but it doesn't work msbuild p DefineConstants ACTIVATE 1 Any idea c visual studio msbuild..

How to build a VS2010 C++ Project on a BuildServer


anything more to install except VS2010 Thanks Arthur c msbuild build build automation share improve this question For now..

Using Visual Studio project properties effectively for multiple projects and configurations


4.0 xmlns http schemas.microsoft.com developer msbuild 2003 PropertyGroup Label UserMacros debug suffix DebugSuffix..

How do I compile a Visual Studio project from the command-line?


do it. Method 1 The first method which I prefer is to use msbuild msbuild project.sln Flags... Method 2 You can also run vcexpress.. Method 1 The first method which I prefer is to use msbuild msbuild project.sln Flags... Method 2 You can also run vcexpress project.sln.. had a similar issue . So the end result might be os.system msbuild project.sln p Configuration Debug You'll also want to make sure..

VS2010: project is not up to date “because ”AlwaysCreate“ was specified”?


5 up to date 0 skipped Any ideas c visual studio 2010 msbuild share improve this question I had a similar problem when..

Can I pass a preprocessor definition to the resource compiler through the command line?


a value for a preprocessor definition via commandline for msbuild c visual studio 2010 msbuild preprocessor rc share improve.. via commandline for msbuild c visual studio 2010 msbuild preprocessor rc share improve this question Yes this can..

Should I compile with /MD or /MT?


implications Which one do most people use c visual studio msbuild msvcrt crt share improve this question By dynamically linking..