

c++ Programming Glossary: msgid

Dynamically register constructor methods in an AbstractFactory at compile time using C++ templates


public static uint16_t Register uint16_t msgid t_pfFactory factoryMethod printf Registering.. printf Registering constructor for msg id d n msgid m_List msgid factoryMethod return msgid .. constructor for msg id d n msgid m_List msgid factoryMethod return msgid static..

What is the purpose of a double negative in macro definition, like (!!(expr))? [duplicate]


a code base and find something like this #define uassert msgid msg expr void expr uasserted msgid msg 0 I cannot figure out.. this #define uassert msgid msg expr void expr uasserted msgid msg 0 I cannot figure out why expr is used instead of a single..

getting a windows message name


file like this #define X x x #x struct WindowsMessage int msgid char pname WindowsMessages X WM_PAINT X WM_NCPAINT ... #undef..