

c++ Programming Glossary: moving

Are the days of passing const std::string & as a parameter over?


good. You're just passing pointers around no copying no moving everyone's happy. C takes a const because it doesn't store the.. they can. If they don't oh well. Is it more expensive Yes moving into a value is more expensive than using references. Is it..

Is returning by rvalue reference more efficient?


Beta toAB const return Beta_ab 1 1 Now it's properly moving a temporary Beta_ab object into the return value of the function...

What are copy elision and return value optimization?


the as if rule copy elision can be applied even if copying moving the object has side effects . The following example taken from..

Overloading friend operator << for template class


the classical linker errors but that is easily bypassed by moving the template function definition to the class declaration as..

C++ Vector of Pointers to Objects


pointer. Copying simply increases the reference count and moving transfers ownership at a lower almost free cost . You make them..

Memory leak tool for C++ under Windows [duplicate]


it is only for Linux I have no other need or interest in moving my OS to Linux so I was wondering if there is a equally good..

How to pass parameters correctly?


multiple times may be a source of troubles for instance moving from the same object twice So be careful not to put this in..

What is “cache-friendly” code?


spend around 85 of die on caches and up to 99 for storing moving data There is quite a lot to be said on the subject. Here are..

Static variables initialisation order


the problems that we may have with legacy code when moving to new GCC major and different OS c visual studio gcc static..

Repeated Multiple Definition Errors from including same header in multiple cpps


file in the project which includes the header. I've tried moving the definitions of the struct and the struct variables to the..

Dynamically allocating an array of objects


A operator A src noexcept src.swap this You are moving the state of the src object into this one. The state of the..

What is the copy-and-swap idiom?


as mentioned in previously linked article the copying moving of the value may simply be elided altogether. And so concludes..

Printing lists with commas C++


out endl I initially tried inserting this block to do it moving the comma printing here if iter keywords.end out iter I hate..

Optimizing away a “while(1);” in C++0x


which could otherwise make useful transformations such as moving nondependent operations from before the loop to after or vice..

What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues?


l value distinction stays the same only in the context of moving things get messy. Are they needed Probably not if we wish to..

Does the C++ standard mandate poor performance for iostreams, or am I just dealing with a poor implementation? [closed]


with manual buffer management Benchmarks To get matters moving I've written a couple of short programs to exercise the iostreams..

smart pointers (boost) explained


of containers which is incompatible with this so called moving constructor behavior of these smart pointers. C 1x provides.. auto_ptr obeys but because of missing native support for moving it fails to provide them without pitfalls. unique_ptr will automatically..

Need for predictable random generator


distribution. Currently I use PHP mt_rand but we are just moving our code to C so I want to solve this problem in our game's..

Display Different images per monitor directX 10


int width int height Nice. Well not really. But still... Moving on Now to create the windows for outputs std vector WindowDataContainer..

Passing shared pointers as arguments


can simply move the shared_ptr argument into its storage. Moving a shared_ptr is cheap because it doesn't change any reference..

What constitutes a valid state for a “moved from” object in C++11?


can be performed on moved from objects of your types. Moving an object of a standard library type puts the object into an..

How to call a C# library from C++ using C++\CLI and IJW


Hitpoint level. http www.codeproject.com Articles 35437 Moving Data between Managed Code and Unmanaged Cod This calls code..

At what point is it worth using a database?


Databases can be configured to warn against duplications. Moving to using a database has many factors to be considered. Some..

Explain Type Classes in Haskell


and practice otherwise known as learning to program . Moving on to the meat of the question the key difference between OO..

Overriding a member variable in C++


have a member of type MyVar because it needs to call Foo. Moving the Foo function into MyVarBase is not an option. Does it make..

Stuck on a Iterator Implementation of a Trie


through the parent chain till you find your entire string. Moving to the next word means doing a DFS search go up once scan for..

what is/are the purpose(s) of inline?


is used generally a PITA IMO . See the DDJ article on Moving Templates Out of Header Files If you are feeling weird read..

What techniques can be used to speed up C++ compilation times?


to optimize the harder it has to work. Shared Libraries Moving your less frequently modified code into libraries can reduce..

Undefined Behavior and Sequence Points


due to the side effect of operator. So far so good. Moving on to sequence points. An alternation definition of seq points..

C++ Builder or Visual Studio


c visual studio c builder share improve this question Moving to wxWidgets has its advantages one of them being that you will..

Why no default move-assignment/move-constructor?


What are access specifiers? Should I inherit with private, protected or public?


that class Inside any member function of that same class . Moving ahead to type of access specifiers they are Public The members..

Proper way to close a blocking UDP socket


question There could be a lot of different problems. Moving my application from one FreeBSD version to another I found that..

Moving files to Trash Can in Linux using C++


files to Trash Can in Linux using C I'm trying to move delete..

How can I iterate over two vectors simultaneously using BOOST_FOREACH?


A zip iterator is constructed from a tuple of iterators. Moving the zip iterator moves all the iterators in parallel. Dereferencing..

delete[] supplied a modified new-ed pointer. Undefined Behaviour?


info before the returned address that delete might use. Moving the new 'd pointer might make this inaccessible. Is it undefined..

Linker error when using static members


I've tried Renaming the variable doesn't fix the problem. Moving the variable out of the class and just making it a plain global..

c++: How to debug a C++ application compiled using the “Microsoft Visual C++” toolchain in eclipse?


so I guess the version is 8.0 Thanks. P.S. Moving to the MinGW g compiler is off scope for this question so please..