

c++ Programming Glossary: msvc's

localtime returns GMT for windows programs running on cygwin shells


TZ is set but since I built the program using MSVC using MSVC's own stdc library it cannot interpret Cygwin's TZ variable. So..

Is there a bug with extern template in Visual C++?


However notes are not normative so I believe that MSVC's behavior is conforming. Regarding your side question about dumping..

C++ try/throw/catch => machine code


have to check it out myself Edit Now I get the basics of MSVC's implementation on IA 32 handling. Anybody know for g on IA 32..

Is std::string size() a O(1) operation?


share improve this question If you're asking if MSVC's implementation of string stize has constant complexity then..

What code have you written with #pragma you found useful? [closed]


took one step further and allows error or warning to match MSVC's messages and will show up appropriately such as the Error List...

C++0x rvalue references - lvalues-rvalue binding


happens in GCC but not MSVC or the EDG front end used in MSVC's Intellisense . What about this code void f std string NB No..

How to use makefiles in Visual Studio?


when you do it bypasses all the built in functionality in MSVC's IDE. Makefiles are basically the reinterpret_cast of the builder...

Does the 'offsetof' macro from <stddef.h> invoke undefined behaviour?


from stddef.h invoke undefined behaviour Example from MSVC's implementation #define offsetof s m size_t reinterpret_cast..