c++ Programming Glossary: maximal
A way of achieving lazy evaluation in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16701108/a-way-of-achieving-lazy-evaluation-in-c them as arguments . In fully lazy lambda lifting it is the maximal free expressions that are lifted say x is free so an ocurrence..
Elegant way to implement extensible factories in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17378961/elegant-way-to-implement-extensible-factories-in-c A related question is posted here for java Allowing maximal flexibly extensibility using a factory . I am not looking for..
Shared memory buffers in C++ without violating strict aliasing rules http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18624449/shared-memory-buffers-in-c-without-violating-strict-aliasing-rules obtained by malloc or new char N is always aligned for maximal alignment but not more and you may wish to use over aligned..
Dealing with Floating Point exceptions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2219244/dealing-with-floating-point-exceptions value is too large to be represented an infinity or maximal finite value is returned depending on which rounding is used..
struct bitfield max size (C99, C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2647320/struct-bitfield-max-size-c99-c bitfield max size C99 C What is maximal bit width for bit struct field struct i long long i 127 Can..
Algorithm to cover maximal number of points with one circle of given radius http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3229459/algorithm-to-cover-maximal-number-of-points-with-one-circle-of-given-radius to cover maximal number of points with one circle of given radius Let's imagine.. that determines such position of the circle that it covers maximal possible number of points. Of course there are many such positions..
How do C/C++ compilers handle type casting between types with different value ranges? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/340413/how-do-c-c-compilers-handle-type-casting-between-types-with-different-value-ra were negative the value would basically wrap around the maximal value of an unsigned int see 4.7 2 . The value 10.123 is truncated..
Why can't I have a non-integral static const member in a class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/370283/why-cant-i-have-a-non-integral-static-const-member-in-a-class ld undefined symbols X d g a.cc b.cc O1 o a # Succeeds For maximal portability you should declare your constants in header files..
Create Random Number Sequence with No Repeats http://stackoverflow.com/questions/693880/create-random-number-sequence-with-no-repeats