c++ Programming Glossary: mb_ok
How to explicitly set taskbar icon? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1014101/how-to-explicitly-set-taskbar-icon lpCmdLine int nCmdShow MessageBox NULL L Testing L Test MB_OK When I run the application this is what I see So the question.. IDI_ICON1 _T Test MessageBox wnd _T Testing _T Test MB_OK DestroyWindow wnd c winapi taskbar share improve this question..
Glew problems, unresolved externals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11059971/glew-problems-unresolved-externals sString.str .c_str L Error loadModel string filepath MB_OK Lights initialization and activation glLightfv GL_LIGHT1 GL_AMBIENT..
std::ostringstream isn't returning a valid string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11164982/stdostringstream-isnt-returning-a-valid-string out.str .c_str MessageBox NULL intString intString MB_OK MB_ICONEXCLAMATION return 0 The resulting message box simply..
Checking for existance of Windows API Functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1129340/checking-for-existance-of-windows-api-functions if messageBoxW NULL messageBoxW HWND_DESKTOP L Hello NULL MB_OK However many Shell APIs are exposed via COM components and..
Display both of Korean and Chinese language in C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13301849/display-both-of-korean-and-chinese-language-in-c ¹ì € ë°©ì …ë ¥ ˜ê¸° ì¶©ë ˆì ê°€ì§€ê³ ˆì ŠìŠµ ˆë‹¤. ä½ æ²¡ ‰è¶³å¤Ÿç ±è ¥æˆ¿ ´ã€ MB_OK c windows unicode cjk share improve this question I just..
How do I stop windows from blocking the program during a window drag or menu button being held down? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18041622/how-do-i-stop-windows-from-blocking-the-program-during-a-window-drag-or-menu-but bail out. MessageBox nullptr L Unexpected Error nullptr MB_OK MB_ICONERROR return 1 You do not need hooks of any kind. The..
How can I change the background color of a button WinAPI C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18745447/how-can-i-change-the-background-color-of-a-button-winapi-c L Window Registration Failed L Error MB_ICONEXCLAMATION MB_OK exit EXIT_FAILURE hwnd CreateWindowEx WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE ClassName.. NULL L Window Creation Failed L Error MB_ICONEXCLAMATION MB_OK exit EXIT_FAILURE ShowWindow hwnd nCmdShow UpdateWindow hwnd..
Unusual heap size limitations in VS2003 C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2469738/unusual-heap-size-limitations-in-vs2003-c 0.3lfGB Total 1024.0 1024.0 1024.0 AfxMessageBox Msg MB_OK c visual c malloc share improve this question May it be..
Good C++ array class for dealing with large arrays of data in a fast and memory efficient way? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2472944/good-c-array-class-for-dealing-with-large-arrays-of-data-in-a-fast-and-memory 0.3lfGB Total 1024.0 1024.0 1024.0 AfxMessageBox Msg MB_OK Final edit I have decided to accept Poita's post and the various..
Calling C++ function from JavaScript script running in a web browser control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3747414/calling-c-function-from-javascript-script-running-in-a-web-browser-control pExcepInfo UINT puArgErr MessageBox NULL Invoke JSObject MB_OK return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND Unfortunately I never get the Invoke..
Calling functions in a DLL from C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/539358/calling-functions-in-a-dll-from-c const char title const char test MessageBox 0 title test MB_OK return 1 Step 3 Define the function as an export in the export.def..
DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH failing to execute on Windows 7 C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8556782/dll-process-attach-failing-to-execute-on-windows-7-c MessageBox NULL Dll has been loaded. Loaded MB_OK break return TRUE I think it might help me if I had a way to..