c++ Programming Glossary: md
How to compile for Win XP with Visual Studio 2012? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13130713/how-to-compile-for-win-xp-with-visual-studio-2012 0x0501 #include SDKDDKVer.h I also tried compiling with MD and installing .NET Framework that didn't help either. I'm clueless..
Freeing memory allocated in a different DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1634773/freeing-memory-allocated-in-a-different-dll are compiled make sure to use the Multi threaded Debug DLL MDd or Multi threaded DLL MD settings for runtime library. That.. use the Multi threaded Debug DLL MDd or Multi threaded DLL MD settings for runtime library. That way both dlls will use the..
Repeated Multiple Definition Errors from including same header in multiple cpps http://stackoverflow.com/questions/223771/repeated-multiple-definition-errors-from-including-same-header-in-multiple-cpps and I do mean word for word... and I'd get the series of MD errors for every cpp in the project. If I loaded the example.. sure enough I'd get the same thing...lines and lines of MD error messages. I'm absolutely baffled. I've repeated all these..
error LNK2005: xxx already defined in MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR100.dll) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2728649/error-lnk2005-xxx-already-defined-in-msvcrt-libmsvcr100-dllc-something-libc
Building multiple executables with similar rules http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7123431/building-multiple-executables-with-similar-rules max src all_lessons' g c o even_or_odd main.o Wall Wextra MD MP MF even_or_odd main.d even_or_odd main.cpp g o even_or_odd.. .. all_lessons make g c o calculator lesson.o Wall Wextra MD MP MF calculator lesson.d calculator lesson.cpp g c o calculator.. lesson.cpp g c o calculator user_created_add.o Wall Wextra MD MP MF calculator user_created_add.d calculator user_created_add.cpp..
Should I compile with /MD or /MT? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/757418/should-i-compile-with-md-or-mt I compile with MD or MT In Visual Studio there's the compile flags MD and MT.. with MD or MT In Visual Studio there's the compile flags MD and MT which let you choose which kind of C runtime library.. which one to use. What are the pros cons One advantage to MD that I've heard is that this allows someone to update the runtime..
In C++, How to get MD5 hash of a file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1220046/in-c-how-to-get-md5-hash-of-a-file file path. How can I get the MD5 hash of it Thanks c hash md5 share improve this question Here's a straight forward implementation.. question Here's a straight forward implementation of the md5sum command that computes and displays the MD5 of the file specified.. It needs to be linked against the OpenSSL library gcc md5.c o md5 lssl to work. It's pure C but you should be able to..
object loader in opengl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14887012/object-loader-in-opengl created two functions which are void ReadFile model md Open the file for reading OBJINFO.TXT ifstream obj_file tree.obj.. obj_file.fail exit 1 Get the number of vertices obj_file md vertices Get the number of faces obj_file md faces Get the.. obj_file md vertices Get the number of faces obj_file md faces Get the vertex coordinates for int i 0 i md vertices..
May compiler optimizations be inhibited by multi-threading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16807766/may-compiler-optimizations-be-inhibited-by-multi-threading for master thread don't create a thread struct master_data md .start ... .end ... .b b .c c __omp_func1 md a md.a for t 1.. master_data md .start ... .end ... .b b .c c __omp_func1 md a md.a for t 1 t nthreads t join with thread add thread_data.. md .start ... .end ... .b b .c c __omp_func1 md a md.a for t 1 t nthreads t join with thread add thread_data a to..
Critique my non-intrusive heap debugger http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835416/critique-my-non-intrusive-heap-debugger CANARY memcpy payload size CANARY sizeof CANARY metadata md payload size kind the_hashset.insert md printf allocated md.print.. CANARY metadata md payload size kind the_hashset.insert md printf allocated md.print return payload void release void payload.. payload size kind the_hashset.insert md printf allocated md.print return payload void release void payload kind_of_memory..