c++ Programming Glossary: max_path
C++ Windows - How to get process path from its PID http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1933113/c-windows-how-to-get-process-path-from-its-pid argc TCHAR argv HANDLE processHandle NULL TCHAR filename MAX_PATH processHandle OpenProcess PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION PROCESS_VM_READ.. NULL if GetModuleFileNameEx processHandle NULL filename MAX_PATH 0 tcerr Failed to get module filename. endl else tcout Module..
How do I get the application data path in Windows using C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2899013/how-do-i-get-the-application-data-path-in-windows-using-c with CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA as the CSIDL. TCHAR szPath MAX_PATH if SUCCEEDED SHGetFolderPath NULL CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA NULL..
How do I read from a version resource in Visual C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/316626/how-do-i-read-from-a-version-resource-in-visual-c containing the version resource TCHAR szFilename MAX_PATH 1 0 if GetModuleFileName NULL szFilename MAX_PATH 0 TRACE GetModuleFileName.. MAX_PATH 1 0 if GetModuleFileName NULL szFilename MAX_PATH 0 TRACE GetModuleFileName failed with error d n GetLastError..
reading an application's manifest file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/420852/reading-an-applications-manifest-file pResource const BYTE LockResource hResData TCHAR filename MAX_PATH if IS_INTRESOURCE lpName _stprintf_s filename _T # d.manifest..
How to get Process Name in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4570174/how-to-get-process-name-in-c one from windows task manager if Handle TCHAR Buffer MAX_PATH if GetModuleFileNameEx Handle 0 Buffer MAX_PATH At this point.. Buffer MAX_PATH if GetModuleFileNameEx Handle 0 Buffer MAX_PATH At this point buffer contains the full path to the executable..
Get DLL path at runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6924195/get-dll-path-at-runtime EXTERN_C IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase .... WCHAR DllPath MAX_PATH 0 GetModuleFileNameW HINSTANCE __ImageBase DllPath _countof..
Is there a way to get function name inside a C++ function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/733056/is-there-a-way-to-get-function-name-inside-a-c-function 0 _tcscpy m_strFuncName strFuncName_in TCHAR strLog MAX_PATH _stprintf strLog _T Entering Func s m_strFuncName LOG strLog.. m_dwEnterTime GetTickCount ~FuncTracer TCHAR strLog MAX_PATH _stprintf strLog _T Leaving Func s Time inside the func d ms.. m_dwEnterTime LOG strLog private TCHAR m_strFuncName MAX_PATH DWORD m_dwEnterTime void TestClass TestFunction I want to avoid..
Windows CD Burning API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/82993/windows-cd-burning-api Get burn pathname Parameters pathname must be at least MAX_PATH in size Returns Non zero for an error Notes CoInitialize 0 must..
Is there an equivalent to WinAPI's MAX_PATH under linux/unix? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/833291/is-there-an-equivalent-to-winapis-max-path-under-linux-unix there an equivalent to WinAPI's MAX_PATH under linux unix If I want to allocate a char array in C that.. filename how big does it need to be. On Win32 there is the MAX_PATH define. What is the equivalent for Unix linux c c linux unix..
How can I hook Windows functions in C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/873658/how-can-i-hook-windows-functions-in-c-c target.exe 0 EnableDebugPriv char dirPath MAX_PATH char fullPath MAX_PATH GetCurrentDirectory MAX_PATH dirPath.. 0 EnableDebugPriv char dirPath MAX_PATH char fullPath MAX_PATH GetCurrentDirectory MAX_PATH dirPath sprintf_s fullPath MAX_PATH.. MAX_PATH char fullPath MAX_PATH GetCurrentDirectory MAX_PATH dirPath sprintf_s fullPath MAX_PATH s DllToInject.dll dirPath..