c++ Programming Glossary: hkey
Load an X509 PEM file into Windows CryptoApi http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1231178/load-an-x509-pem-file-into-windows-cryptoapi publicKeyInfoLen HANDLE hFile HCRYPTPROV hProv 0 HCRYPTKEY hKey 0 Read the public key cert from the file hFile CreateFileA.. hProv X509_ASN_ENCODING publicKeyInfo hKey fprintf stderr CryptImportPublicKeyInfo failed. error d n GetLastError.. d n GetLastError return 1 LocalFree publicKeyInfo Now use hKey to encrypt whatever you need. return 0 share improve this..
How to read a value from the Windows registry http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34065/how-to-read-a-value-from-the-windows-registry code Include the library dependency Advapi32.lib HKEY hKey LONG lRes RegOpenKeyExW HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE L SOFTWARE Perl 0.. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE L SOFTWARE Perl 0 KEY_READ hKey bool bExistsAndSuccess lRes ERROR_SUCCESS bool bDoesNotExistsSpecifically.. std wstring strKeyDefaultValue GetStringRegKey hKey L BinDir strValueOfBinDir L bad GetStringRegKey hKey L strKeyDefaultValue..
MSDN HMAC-SHA1 example not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7547791/msdn-hmac-sha1-example-not-working Algid parameter. Pass the handle of a symmetric key in the hKey parameter. This symmetric key is the key used to compute the.. HCRYPTPROV hProv NULL HCRYPTHASH hHash NULL HCRYPTKEY hKey NULL BYTE DesKeyBlob 0x70 0x61 0x73 0x73 0x77 0x6F 0x72 0x64.. hash key used to be imported imports the key used... as hKey1 if CryptImportKey hProv DesKeyBlob sizeof DesKeyBlob 0 CRYPT_EXPORTABLE..
How to use CryptoAPI and CryptImportKey with a ASN.1 PEM OpenSSL Public key http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7573754/how-to-use-cryptoapi-and-cryptimportkey-with-a-asn-1-pem-openssl-public-key CryptImportKey hCryptProv pbPKEY iPKEYSize 0 CRYPT_OAEP hKey Verify the signature CryptDecrypt hKey 0 TRUE 0 pbData iDataLen.. 0 CRYPT_OAEP hKey Verify the signature CryptDecrypt hKey 0 TRUE 0 pbData iDataLen CryptDecrypt returns NTE_NO_KEY 2146893811..
C++ - RegCreateKeyEx success but without result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14585286/c-regcreatekeyex-success-but-without-result can't see any changes. void Utils writePath LPCTSTR data HKEY hkey DWORD dwDisposition if RegCreateKeyEx HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.. data HKEY hkey DWORD dwDisposition if RegCreateKeyEx HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE TEXT SOFTWARE aaTestCompany testApp 0 NULL 0 KEY_WRITE.. bit OS the registry key will actually be created beneath HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node . See 32 bit and 64 bit Application..
Add Application to Startup (Registry) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15913202/add-application-to-startup-registry able to create the key with Not sure if it's the right way HKEY newValue RegOpenKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows.. Not sure if it's the right way HKEY newValue RegOpenKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run newValue..
How to read a value from the Windows registry http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34065/how-to-read-a-value-from-the-windows-registry registry Given the key for some registry value e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE blah blah blah foo how can I Safely determine.. Example code Include the library dependency Advapi32.lib HKEY hKey LONG lRes RegOpenKeyExW HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE L SOFTWARE Perl.. dependency Advapi32.lib HKEY hKey LONG lRes RegOpenKeyExW HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE L SOFTWARE Perl 0 KEY_READ hKey bool bExistsAndSuccess..
c++ get registry key returns only one char http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4483087/c-get-registry-key-returns-only-one-char the value.. can anyone help my code void dealWithRegistry HKEY regkey1 char data 100 DWORD datasize sizeof data sizeof char.. datasize sizeof data sizeof char LONG rc RegOpenKeyEx HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE L SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run..
Determine path to registry key from HKEY handle in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/937044/determine-path-to-registry-key-from-hkey-handle-in-c path to registry key from HKEY handle in C Given a handle to a Windows Registry Key such as.. NTSTATUS 0xC0000023L #endif std wstring GetKeyPathFromKKEY HKEY key std wstring keyPath if key NULL HMODULE dll LoadLibrary.. dll return keyPath int _tmain int argc _TCHAR argv HKEY key NULL LONG ret ERROR_SUCCESS ret RegOpenKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE..