c++ Programming Glossary: highlighting
C++ string literals escape character http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10220401/c-string-literals-escape-character 0 followed by the character 0 . However the syntax highlighting alerted me that maybe this would create something like the character..
Can I make vim do syntax highlighting on C++ headers that don't have extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10584580/can-i-make-vim-do-syntax-highlighting-on-c-headers-that-dont-have-extensions I make vim do syntax highlighting on C headers that don't have extensions I have a project with.. Foo.hh . Is there a good way to configure vim to do syntax highlighting for these files only A slightly less pleasing fallback would.. slightly less pleasing fallback would be to enable C style highlighting for all files that don't have an extension. I'm not sure if..
casting via void* instead of using reinterpret_cast http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1863069/casting-via-void-instead-of-using-reinterpret-cast I'll just quote the relevant parts of the Standard highlighting important parts 5.2.10 expr.reinterpret.cast The mapping performed..
How do I start a new CUDA project in Visual Studio 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2046228/how-do-i-start-a-new-cuda-project-in-visual-studio-2008 Runtime API Host Runtime Library see note 4 Enable syntax highlighting using the usertype.dat file included with the SDK see the readme.txt.. the SDK see the readme.txt in sdk_install_dir C doc syntax_highlighting visual_studio_8 I'd also recommend enabling Intellisense support.. Build Rule Hybrid CUDA C Options see note 4 Enable syntax highlighting using the usertype.dat file included with the SDK see the readme.txt..
UITextView w/ Syntax Highlighting [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2638752/uitextview-w-syntax-highlighting that can take a chunk of text and do the proper syntax highlighting As a simple example I'd like to have a UITextView that has C.. example I'd like to have a UITextView that has C C syntax highlighting. c iphone cocoa touch uitextview share improve this question.. coded up a bit of an example application that does syntax highlighting http github.com amcgregor syntax alpha Unfortunately my goal..
Netbeans or Eclipse for C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/308450/netbeans-or-eclipse-for-c quite excellent Syntax checking and spell checking Syntax highlighting that distinguishes between library calls and your function calls..
Is there any guarantee of alignment of address return by C++'s new operation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/506518/is-there-any-guarantee-of-alignment-of-address-return-by-cs-new-operation deallocation function . EDIT Thanks to timday for highlighting a bug in gcc glibc where the guarantee does not hold. EDIT 2..
class & function names highlighting in Vim http://stackoverflow.com/questions/736701/class-function-names-highlighting-in-vim function names highlighting in Vim I just recently set up my Vim environment from Textmate.. after becoming addicted to its modal input. However syntax highlighting seems to be not so beautiful in Vim. I code in C and since the.. I am so much a visual sensitive guy. Thanks c vim syntax highlighting textmate vim syntax highlighting share improve this question..