c++ Programming Glossary: histogram
Implementation of a “hits in last [second/minute/hour]” data structure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18364490/implementation-of-a-hits-in-last-second-minute-hour-data-structure this question What you are describing is called a histogram. Using a hash if you intend nanosecond accuracy will eat up.. the position and will transpose runningTotal from one histogram to the next every RingSize so every 60s add secondsHisto.runningTotal.. place to start from. If you want to track a longer histogram of hits per second you can do that with this model by increasing..
How to get an accurate 1ms Timer Tick under WinXP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3361059/how-to-get-an-accurate-1ms-timer-tick-under-winxp precision and store consecutive differences in an histogram have a non empty bin for 10 ms This means that sometimes you..
Fast Algorithm for computing percentiles to remove outliers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3779763/fast-algorithm-for-computing-percentiles-to-remove-outliers c algorithm percentile share improve this question The histogram solution from Henrik will work. You can also use a selection..
automatically compare two series -Dissimilarity test http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3986536/automatically-compare-two-series-dissimilarity-test Series2 is the test incoming series. I am providing a histogram plot where Series2 is represented in dark brown colour. You..
Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6416117/simple-object-detection-using-opencv-and-machine-learning . After all my searching i found that calculating the histogram of samples ball only images and teaching it to the ML could..
Multi-Dimensional data in a Matrix in OpenCV with C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8809517/multi-dimensional-data-in-a-matrix-in-opencv-with-c double minProb const int histSize N N N make sure that the histogram has a proper size and type hist.create 3 histSize CV_32F and..