c++ Programming Glossary: hist
Override Ctrl-C http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7623401/override-ctrl-c Print History fflush stdout void printHistory CircleBuff hist cout Complete History n endl hist.print cout endl int main int.. printHistory CircleBuff hist cout Complete History n endl hist.print cout endl int main int argc char argv struct sigaction..
Multi-Dimensional data in a Matrix in OpenCV with C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8809517/multi-dimensional-data-in-a-matrix-in-opencv-with-c OpenCV void computeNormalizedColorHist const Mat image Mat hist int N double minProb const int histSize N N N make sure that.. const Mat image Mat hist int N double minProb const int histSize N N N make sure that the histogram has a proper size and.. double minProb const int histSize N N N make sure that the histogram has a proper size and type hist.create 3 histSize CV_32F..