

c++ Programming Glossary: file2

Doing serialization using streams C++


ios app file1_file s1 s2 s3 file1_file.close read ifstream file2 c test.dat Product p while file2 p cout p.price_ endl cout.. read ifstream file2 c test.dat Product p while file2 p cout p.price_ endl cout p.product_index_ endl cout p.product_name_.. endl cout p.product_name_ cout p.other_data_ if file2.good std cerr error during parsing of input file n else std..

Redirecting in C++


is written to stdout. std endl scoped_cout_redirector file2 file2.txt std cout This is written to the second file. std endl.. written to stdout. std endl scoped_cout_redirector file2 file2.txt std cout This is written to the second file. std endl return..

set<string>: how to list not strings starting with given string and ending with `/`?


set string demo_set demo_set.insert file1 demo_set.insert file2 demo_set.insert folder file1 demo_set.insert folder file2 demo_set.insert.. file2 demo_set.insert folder file1 demo_set.insert folder file2 demo_set.insert folder folder file1 demo_set.insert folder folder.. folder folder file1 demo_set.insert folder folder file2 demo_set.insert bin obj Debug CloudServerPrototype ra.write.1.tlog..