

c++ Programming Glossary: file.txt

Simple way to unzip a .zip file using zlib


0 err Search for the file of given name const char name file.txt struct zip_stat st zip_stat_init st zip_stat z name 0 st Alloc.. st.size Read the compressed file zip_file f zip_fopen z file.txt 0 zip_fread f contents st.size zip_fclose f And close the archive..

Default constructor with empty brackets


Another instance of the same problem std ifstream ifs file.txt std vector T v std istream_iterator T ifs std istream_iterator..

What is the most elegant way to read a text file with c++?


the most elegant for you. Reading into char ifstream file file.txt ios in ios binary ios ate if file.is_open file.seekg 0 ios end.. with it delete contents Into std string std ifstream in file.txt std string contents std istreambuf_iterator char in std istreambuf_iterator.. istreambuf_iterator char Into vector char std ifstream in file.txt std vector char contents std istreambuf_iterator char in std..

Read whole ASCII file into C++ std::string


would be very simple std ifstream t int length t.open file.txt open input file t.seekg 0 std ios end go to the end length t.tellg.. to avoid loops I. E. I don't want to std ifstream t t.open file.txt std string buffer std string line while t std getline t line.. string #include fstream #include streambuf std ifstream t file.txt std string str std istreambuf_iterator char t std istreambuf_iterator..

Debugging with command-line parameters in Visual Studio


EXE file with the arguments I need like this program.exe file.txt but this way I can't debug. Is there somewhere I can specify..

Obtain a std::ostream either from std::cout or std::ofstream(file)


std streambuf buf std ofstream of if condition of.open file.txt buf of.rdbuf else buf std cout.rdbuf std ostream out buf That.. cout goes into a file you can aswell do std ofstream file file.txt std streambuf old std cout.rdbuf file.rdbuf do here output to.. std streambuf old_buf int main or std filebuf of of.open file.txt std ios_base out std ofstream of file.txt or opiped raii of..

How to get IOStream to perform better?


streambuf implementation. char Buffer N std ifstream file file.txt file.rdbuf pubsetbuf Buffer N the pointer reader by rdbuf is.. generic x86_64 enough ram cpu 196MB of several find largefile.txt runs C 634572 C 473222 C 25 faster @Matteo Italia on g 4.4.5.. old locale ' oldLocale ' by 'C' n char const filename largefile.txt CRead cread filename CppRead cppread filename comment to use..

C++ - How to set file permissions (cross platform)


700. In unix I suppose I can just issue a system chmod 700 file.txt but I need this code to work on windows as well. I can use some..

C++: Read file line by line


Read file line by line I have a file.txt like 5 3 6 4 7 1 10 5 11 6 12 3 12 4 Where 5 3 is a coordinate... make an ifstream #include fstream std ifstream infile thefile.txt The two standard methods are Assume that every line consists..