

c++ Programming Glossary: file..

OpenMP performance


the parallel version invokes an extra 4170104 lines of log file... UPDATE 2 As suggested by Tom I tried binding threads to specific..

C++: Convert text file of integers into a bitmap image file in BMP format


Read integers from file std cout Reading integers from file... n Nested scope will release ifstream resource when no longer..

Repeated destructor calls and tracking handles in C++/CLI


new FileStream ... using var sw new StreamWriter fs Write file... The StreamWriter object will take ownership of its base stream..

Declaring static data members of normal class and class template


is a problem if the definition is written in the header file... c oop static const share improve this question I think..

Is there a way to use pre-compiled headers in VC++ without requiring stdafx.h?


if used and which are taken directly from the source file... This means that when doing maintenance you would use the configuration..

How to get VBO working


and it says missing file GLES glplatform.h so i google the file... then it whines missing file KHR khrplatform.h so i google that..

C++ Logging and performance tuning library


dbg Timer new dbg Timer File Load MAGIC Load a big file... section_timer auto_ptr dbg Timer new dbg Timer DB Connect MAGIC..

Fstream fails to create new file


...try existing file if stream_.is_open ...else create new file... stream_.open filename.c_str ios_base in ios_base out ios_base..

How to print message from caught exception?


it in C public void Log string message logs message in a file... I have already done something similar in C but I can't get..

How to save the client area of a child Window to a Bitmap file?


know how to save the screen shot of the window to a bitmap file... please help me out of this ... I have not used MFC ATL or WTL......

Inclusion of header files in case of templates.


functions in a header files and define them in a source file... then the header file can be included in the main file to use.. the .cpp file containing the header file in the main file... any answers plz c templates header files share improve this..

Compile a DLL in C/C++, then call it from another program


it create a DLL but also how to write generate an exports file... and what I can cannot do in a DLL like can I take arguments..

General strategies for memory/speed problems


I opened a new file and fclose eachtime I closed the input file... this increased the performance to ~50 seconds total as mentioned..

Compiler Error: Function call with parameters that may be unsafe
