c++ Programming Glossary: eps
pass attribute to child rule in boost spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12520649/pass-attribute-to-child-rule-in-boost-spirit matrix_ using namespace qi matrixBlock_ lit int_ eps 0 phx size _val 3 matrix_ repeat 3 matrixBlock_ qi rule It Matrix.. f test.begin l test.end Matrix m if qi phrase_parse f l qi eps qi int_ qi space m std cout karma format karma auto_ m.data.. cout karma format karma auto_ m.data n Note that the qi eps is necessary due to a bug AFAICT with structs that contain only..
Boost::Spirit::QI parser: index of parsed element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12769907/boostspiritqi-parser-index-of-parsed-element matrix row skip char_ t repeat _r1 double_ matrix eps std cout phx val debug _r1 _r2 n repeat _r1 row _r2 eol eoi.. qi locals size_t _a row size_t _b col matrix matrix eps _a 0 current row eps _b 0 current col double_ _pass matrix_insert.. _a row size_t _b col matrix matrix eps _a 0 current row eps _b 0 current col double_ _pass matrix_insert _val _a _b _1..
Boost.Spirit.Qi - Errors at the beginning of a rule http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16022882/boost-spirit-qi-errors-at-the-beginning-of-a-rule rule that has the element at an expectation point xml qi eps element Don't change anything else profit The output becomes..
boost spirit on_error not triggered http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19215938/boost-spirit-on-error-not-triggered using qi omit using qi no_case using qi print using qi eps using qi on_error using qi fail using qi lit namespace phx boost.. get_line_ begin _1 at_c 3 _val get_line_ end _1 start eps main on_error fail start my_handler boost phoenix function my_handler_f..
How to detect a Christmas Tree? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20772893/how-to-detect-a-christmas-tree is fairly simple and can be broken down into about 3 steps. First I apply a threshold or actually the logical or of two.. sqrt binimg.shape 0 2 binimg.shape 1 2 db DBSCAN eps pixproxthr min_samples 10 .fit Xslice labels db.labels_.astype..
Scatter Plots in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/215110/scatter-plots-in-c I have found of producing graphs in a variety of formats eps png jpeg xpm you name it. gnuplot will do scatter plot very..
Spirit unable to assign attribute to single-element struct (or fusion sequence) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7770791/spirit-unable-to-assign-attribute-to-single-element-struct-or-fusion-sequence this issue by doing r boost spirit lexeme abc boost spirit eps While not really elegant it solves the problem at least. If..
How to add qi::symbols in grammar<Iterator,double()>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8780604/how-to-add-qisymbols-in-grammariterator-double double parser parser base_type function using qi eps using qi lit using qi _val using qi _1 using ascii char_ using..