c++ Programming Glossary: enumerate
Win32 API to enumerate dll export functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1128150/win32-api-to-enumerate-dll-export-functions API to enumerate dll export functions I found similar questions but no answer.. here goes For a native Win32 dll is there a Win32 API to enumerate its export function names c windows winapi dll share improve..
Enumerate over an enum in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1390703/enumerate-over-an-enum-in-c over an enum in C In C Is it possible to enumerate over an enum either runtime or compile time preferred and call..
How to get main window handle from process id? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1888863/how-to-get-main-window-handle-from-process-id a direct way to get that. The only way I know of is to enumerate all the top level windows with EnumWindows and then find what..
Removing a non empty directory programmatically in C or C++ [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2256945/removing-a-non-empty-directory-programmatically-in-c-or-c run out of stack space on deep directories that will enumerate the children of a directory. If you find a child that is a directory.. is empty and you can remove it via the syscall. To enumerate directories on Unix you can use opendir readdir and closedir.. On Windows you will use FindFirstFile FindNextFile to enumerate RemoveDirectory on empty directories and DeleteFile to remove..
How can I iterate over an enum? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/261963/how-can-i-iterate-over-an-enum assert Invalid Foo enum value break If you really want to enumerate stuff the enum values in a vector and iterate over that. This..
Enumerating all available drive letters in Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/286534/enumerating-all-available-drive-letters-in-windows all available drive letters in Windows I want to enumerate all available drive letters which aren't already taken in Windows..
Best way to build a list of per type data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/401621/best-way-to-build-a-list-of-per-type-data building a list of per type data so that I don't have to enumerate each type in a big chunk as in the above example For example..
How to get a list video capture devices NAMES (web cameras) using Qt (crossplatform)? (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4637594/how-to-get-a-list-video-capture-devices-names-web-cameras-using-qt-crossplatf LOG ERROR... return false buffer_size req_size Try to enumerate. If the buffer is not large enough the required size is returned...
“enum class” emulation or solid alternative for MSVC 10.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4980280/enum-class-emulation-or-solid-alternative-for-msvc-10-0 hack is more of a pita than James' because of the need to enumerate the values twice. I'm hoping compilers without scoped enum support..
Flags to enable thorough and verbose g++ warnings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5088460/flags-to-enable-thorough-and-verbose-g-warnings pointless you don't always want a default case if you've enumerated all possibilities explicitly . However turning on this warning.. in default break to make it explicit. If you explicitly enumerate all possibilities then turning on this warning will help ensure..
Levenshtein Distance: Inferring the edit operations from the matrix http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5849139/levenshtein-distance-inferring-the-edit-operations-from-the-matrix conversion. By decoding the Levenshtein matrix one can enumerate ALL such optimal sequences. The general idea is that the optimal..
Multiple inheritance + virtual function mess http://stackoverflow.com/questions/616380/multiple-inheritance-virtual-function-mess to be generic. What I'm trying to do is to have D somehow enumerate all of the instances of fn it has in its ancestry. Is this possible..
How to find all possible subsets of a given array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/679203/how-to-find-all-possible-subsets-of-a-given-array in the x th subset of S . Once you've worked out how to enumerate the elements of a given subset adding the values is simple...
How can I detect only deleted, changed, and created files on a volume? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7421440/how-can-i-detect-only-deleted-changed-and-created-files-on-a-volume backup ntfs share improve this question You can enumerate all the files on a volume using FSCTL_ENUM_USN_DATA. This is..
How can I enumerate/list all installed applications in Windows XP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/802499/how-can-i-enumerate-list-all-installed-applications-in-windows-xp can I enumerate list all installed applications in Windows XP When I say installed..
How do I select a range of values in a switch statement? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9432226/how-do-i-select-a-range-of-values-in-a-switch-statement to do what you are trying to do. Alternatively you can enumerate the values in the switch. This runs marginally faster though..
How can I find the actual path found by BFS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9590299/how-can-i-find-the-actual-path-found-by-bfs
Why are standard iterator ranges [begin, end) instead of [begin, end]? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9963401/why-are-standard-iterator-ranges-begin-end-instead-of-begin-end established if you are given a range of N elements say to enumerate the members of an array then 0 is the natural beginning so that..
Screen capture from windows service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1002064/screen-capture-from-windows-service Try this in addition to allowing access to the desktop Enumerate all Window Stations EnumWindowStations Find the window station..
Display Different images per monitor directX 10 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10744788/display-different-images-per-monitor-directx-10 as possible and additional information where it's needed Enumerate all adapters available on the system. For each adapter enumerate..
Enumerate over an enum in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1390703/enumerate-over-an-enum-in-c over an enum in C In C Is it possible to enumerate over an..
Enumerate COM object (IDispatch) methods using ATL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2112302/enumerate-com-object-idispatch-methods-using-atl COM object IDispatch methods using ATL Using ATL VS2008 how..
How to list all installed ActiveX controls? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2755351/how-to-list-all-installed-activex-controls EnumClassesOfCategories 1 catidImpl 0 catidReqd enumGuid Enumerate through the CLSIDs until there is no more. CLSID clsid while..
Enumerate external drives http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2980509/enumerate-external-drives external drives In java you can use File.listRoots to get all..
Visual Studio TODO / Task List not showing up http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8794314/visual-studio-todo-task-list-not-showing-up
Find a function by it signature in Windows DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9644717/find-a-function-by-it-signature-in-windows-dll account the wildcards . The process is approximately so Enumerate all executable pages of the process VirtualQueryEx Scan for..