c++ Programming Glossary: epoll
What is the Fastest Method for High Performance Sequential File I/O in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1201261/what-is-the-fastest-method-for-high-performance-sequential-file-i-o-in-c of OS and OS variant specific APIs for fast async I O e.g. epoll dev epoll kqueue Windows overlapped I O and Asio wraps them.. OS variant specific APIs for fast async I O e.g. epoll dev epoll kqueue Windows overlapped I O and Asio wraps them all. Is asynchronous..
C++ Socket Server - Unable to saturate CPU http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1234750/c-socket-server-unable-to-saturate-cpu friendly as you would hope there is a big lock around the epoll code in boost asio detail epoll_reactor.hpp which means that.. is a big lock around the epoll code in boost asio detail epoll_reactor.hpp which means that only one thread can call into the.. means that only one thread can call into the kernel's epoll syscall at a time. And for very small requests this makes all..
Is it possible to use the hardware de-multiplexing for highload network servers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18408363/is-it-possible-to-use-the-hardware-de-multiplexing-for-highload-network-servers by using TCP IP using POSIX poll select or more advanced epoll kqueue poll_set IOCP network driver starts by an interruption.. at the kernel level. Then our thread acceptor by using epoll kqueue poll_set IOCP receives from this single buffer a list.. space multiplexor user's acceptor in user space by using epoll kqueue poll_set IOCP demultiplexor Is not it easier and faster..
Performance profiling on Linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1875167/performance-profiling-on-linux to profile a server that is a mix of blocking file IO epoll for network and fork execv for some heavy lifting but general..
How to perfrom Cross-Platform Asynchronous File I/O in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2417583/how-to-perfrom-cross-platform-asynchronous-file-i-o-in-c for these functions. For Linux there's either fadvise and epoll which will use the readahead cache or aio_read which will allow..
Could you recommend some guides about Epoll on Linux [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27247/could-you-recommend-some-guides-about-epoll-on-linux linux System. Could you recommend manual or guides about epoll library need more detailed guides. it's better to have some.. help me. and Thank you for reading. c linux guide epoll share improve this question Here's an introduction to Epoll.. a pretty basic tutorial http blog.kovyrin.net 2006 04 13 epoll asynchronous network programming A more complete example can..
tidy code for asynchronous IO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/883156/tidy-code-for-asynchronous-io asynchronous IO non blocking descriptors with select poll epoll kqueue etc is not the most documented thing on the web there.. for each type of system call select is simple reactor epoll have both edge or level triggered interface that require different..