c++ Programming Glossary: eof
Complete C++ i18n gettext() “hello world” example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1003360/complete-c-i18n-gettext-hello-world-example G. Mohanty. I am using Linux and G . Code cat hellogt.cxx EOF hellogt.cxx #include libintl.h #include locale.h #include iostream.. hellogt std endl std cout gettext hello world std endl EOF g ohellogt hellogt.cxx xgettext d hellogt o hellogt.pot hellogt.cxx..
Reading from text file until EOF repeats last line http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21647/reading-from-text-file-until-eof-repeats-last-line from text file until EOF repeats last line The following C code uses a ifstream object.. a text file which has one number per line until it hits EOF . Why does it read the integer on the last line twice How to.. closely the chain of events. Grab 10 Grab 20 Grab 30 Grab EOF Look at the second to last iteration. You grabbed 30 then carried..
How do I flush the cin buffer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/257091/how-do-i-flush-the-cin-buffer INT_MAX this would read in and ignore everything until EOF . you can also supply a second argument which is the character..
Semantics of flags on basic_ios http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4258887/semantics-of-flags-on-basic-ios The failbit may also be set by many operations that reach EOF. For example if there is only whitespace left remaining in the.. the stream and you try to read an int you will both reach EOF and you will fail to read the int so both flags will be set...
Testing stream.good() or !stream.eof() reads last line twice [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4324441/testing-stream-good-or-stream-eof-reads-last-line-twice is a common mistake the stream currently being at EOF does not necessarily mean the last input operation failed conversely.. the last input operation failed conversely not being at EOF does not mean the last input was successful. All of the stream..
Why is iostream::eof inside a loop condition considered wrong? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5605125/why-is-iostreameof-inside-a-loop-condition-considered-wrong like while cin n which I guess implicitly checks for EOF why is checking for eof explicitly using iostream eof wrong.. eof wrong How is it different from using scanf ... ... EOF in C which I often use with no problems c iostream c faq .. And on your second question Because if scanf ... ... EOF is the same as if inStream data .eof and not the same as if..
eof() bad practice? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5837639/eof-bad-practice foo Correct if cin foo if cin.eof cout read failed due to EOF n else cout read failed due to something other than EOF n ..
Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9371238/why-is-reading-lines-from-stdin-much-slower-in-c-than-python input_c 512 while scanf s s s n input_a input_b input_c EOF line_count Speed cat test_lines . readline_test_cpp2 Saw 10000000..
How to clear stringstream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2848087/how-to-clear-stringstream to an empty string with str and to clear any fail and eof flags with clear . parser.str std string parser.clear Typically.. that the first reaches the end of the string and sets the eof bit although it successfully parses the first short. Operations..
Semantics of flags on basic_ios http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4258887/semantics-of-flags-on-basic-ios myself repeatedly baffled by the rdstate flags good bad eof fail and how they are expressed in basic_ios operator operator.. output streams and you need to be aware of that failure. eofbit means the input stream has reached its end and there is nothing.. badbit failbit . The good function tests badbit failbit eofbit . That is a stream is good when none of the bits are set...
Testing stream.good() or !stream.eof() reads last line twice [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4324441/testing-stream-good-or-stream-eof-reads-last-line-twice stream.good or stream.eof reads last line twice duplicate Possible Duplicate Why is iostream.. line twice duplicate Possible Duplicate Why is iostream eof inside a loop condition considered wrong I have the following.. similar happens with ifstream f x.txt string line while f.eof getline f line Use line here. c iostream share improve this..
Why is iostream::eof inside a loop condition considered wrong? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5605125/why-is-iostreameof-inside-a-loop-condition-considered-wrong is iostream eof inside a loop condition considered wrong I just found a comment.. found a comment in this answer saying that using iostream eof in a loop condition is almost certainly wrong . I generally.. I guess implicitly checks for EOF why is checking for eof explicitly using iostream eof wrong How is it different from..
eof() bad practice? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5837639/eof-bad-practice bad practice duplicate Possible Duplicate Why is iostream eof.. bad practice duplicate Possible Duplicate Why is iostream eof inside a loop condition considered wrong So I've been using.. a loop condition considered wrong So I've been using the eof function in a lot of my programs that require file input and..
How to reuse an ostringstream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/624260/how-to-reuse-an-ostringstream used a sequence of clear and str in the past clear because eof or other bits may be still set. s.clear s.str Which has done..