c++ Programming Glossary: entering
performance of C++0x exceptions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1018800/performance-of-c0x-exceptions than returning normally takes about 1.5ms. That includes entering the try block which I believe on some systems is free at execution..
std::next_permutation Implementation Explanation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11483060/stdnext-permutation-implementation-explanation is a sketch of a proof of its correctness Clearly before entering the main loop it just checks the trivial 0 or 1 element list..
Does const mean thread-safe in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14127379/does-const-mean-thread-safe-in-c11 rect in a standard container directly or indirectly we are entering a contract with the Standard Library . To keep doing writes..
How to avoid entering library's source files while debugging in Qt Creator with gdb? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1448426/how-to-avoid-entering-librarys-source-files-while-debugging-in-qt-creator-with to avoid entering library's source files while debugging in Qt Creator with gdb..
“Launch Failed. Binary Not Found.” Snow Leopard and Eclipse C/C++ IDE issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1668447/launch-failed-binary-not-found-snow-leopard-and-eclipse-c-c-ide-issue the tasks above is to enter the following commands entering each one in sequence VERBATIM and pressing enter after each..
C++0x static initializations and thread safety http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1987679/c0x-static-initializations-and-thread-safety in the case the object is dynamically initialized upon entering the function it's guaranteed to be executed in a critical section..
What should main() return in C and C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/204476/what-should-main-return-in-c-and-c to the C standard. For C the case is different and re entering main is allowed but should probably be avoided. share improve..
How to skip common classes in VS 2008 when stepping in? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2062881/how-to-skip-common-classes-in-vs-2008-when-stepping-in share improve this question You can do this by entering entries into the registry I know it sucks . The key you are..
What is the copy-and-swap idiom? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3279543/what-is-the-copy-and-swap-idiom the copy is made we are ready to swap. Observe that upon entering the function that all the new data is already allocated copied..
What are all the common undefined behaviour that a C++ programmer should know about? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/367633/what-are-all-the-common-undefined-behaviour-that-a-c-programmer-should-know-ab assigning to partially overlapping objects Recursively re entering a function during the initialization of its static objects Making..
floating point issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3733071/floating-point-issue point issue I have a floating value as 0.1 entering from UI. But while converting that string to float i am getting..
Is main() really start of a C++ program? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4783404/is-main-really-start-of-a-c-program do i.e printing the square of integers from 0 to 9 before entering into the main function which is supposed to be the start of..
Static initialization order fiasco http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5299095/static-initialization-order-fiasco 0 etc. The first Initializer ctor to run still before entering main will thus set all three values. share improve this answer..
Operator Precedence vs Order of Evaluation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5473107/operator-precedence-vs-order-of-evaluation of the original value of i but i is incremented before entering the body of f. Similarly j and k are updated before entering.. the body of f. Similarly j and k are updated before entering g and h respectively. However it is not specified in which order..
Compiling OpenCV code on a 64-bit mac http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5781198/compiling-opencv-code-on-a-64-bit-mac and mine being on a 64 bit Mac. When I run the Makefile by entering make CC g CFLAGS LDFLAGS I usr local include opencv lm lopencv_core..
Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6441218/can-a-local-variables-memory-be-accessed-outside-its-scope Nor is there a mysterious force that prevents you from entering a room with a stolen key. The hotel management is not required..
Mixing ifstream getline and >> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9336209/mixing-ifstream-getline-and a newline in the buffer. If you expect the user to be entering values one line at a time you should use istream ignore to skip..
Can you print anything in C++, before entering into the main function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9439871/can-you-print-anything-in-c-before-entering-into-the-main-function you print anything in C before entering into the main function Can you print anything in C before entering.. into the main function Can you print anything in C before entering into the main function It is interview question in Bloomberg..
Qt/mingw32 undefined reference errors… unable to link a .lib http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1137323/qt-mingw32-undefined-reference-errors-unable-to-link-a-lib C Qt 2009.03 mingw bin mingw32 make.exe w mingw32 make Entering directory `C Documents and Settings JP My Documents QTProjects.. mingw bin mingw32 make f Makefile.Debug mingw32 make 1 Entering directory `C Documents and Settings JP My Documents QTProjects..
Is this a good way to embed debugging message in my program? (Macros) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11480463/is-this-a-good-way-to-embed-debugging-message-in-my-program-macros Or if you want to add more debugging information DEBUG Entering __func__ argc argc argv argv ... DEBUG Leaving __func__ std..
Setting up OpenGL NetBeans project with GLFW on Ubuntu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14237915/setting-up-opengl-netbeans-project-with-glfw-on-ubuntu Libraries and then got even more errors like these make 2 Entering directory home sasmaster NetBeansProjects OpenGLDemo' mkdir..
Does a constructor / destructor have to have code, or is the function enough? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15149363/does-a-constructor-destructor-have-to-have-code-or-is-the-function-enough in my constructor destructor Transaction Transaction cout Entering constructor endl Transaction ~Transaction cout Leaving program.. constructor Transaction Transaction no 0 dollar ' ' cout Entering constructor endl Otherwise they will not be initialized and..
Boost.Log with CMake causing undefined reference error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17844085/boost-log-with-cmake-causing-undefined-reference-error progress.marks make f CMakeFiles Makefile2 all make 1 Entering directory ` home durrw boost log test build' make f CMakeFiles.. main.dir build.make CMakeFiles main.dir depend make 2 Entering directory ` home durrw boost log test build' cd home durrw boost.. main.dir build.make CMakeFiles main.dir build make 2 Entering directory ` home durrw boost log test build' Linking CXX executable..
Linker error: undefined reference to `std::ctype<char>::_M_widen_init() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4035445/linker-error-undefined-reference-to-stdctypechar-m-widen-init let me know how can I fix this Thanks in advance. make 1 Entering directory ` home rumi MobiusProject Multiproc Paper Transformer..
how to traverse a boost::multi_array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5572464/how-to-traverse-a-boostmulti-array If not is there any library that defines such an iterator Entering into details I'd like to write something like boost multi_array..
Building multiple executables with similar rules http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7123431/building-multiple-executables-with-similar-rules make make C .. project_dirs even_or_odd all make 1 Entering directory ` home max src all_lessons' g c o even_or_odd main.o.. make clean make C .. project_dirs helloworld clean make 1 Entering directory ` home max src all_lessons' rm f helloworld lesson.o..
Is there a way to get function name inside a C++ function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/733056/is-there-a-way-to-get-function-name-inside-a-c-function strFuncName_in TCHAR strLog MAX_PATH _stprintf strLog _T Entering Func s m_strFuncName LOG strLog m_dwEnterTime GetTickCount ..
Copy constructor elision? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8890528/copy-constructor-elision endl ~Huge std cout Destructor std endl Huge g std cout Entering g std endl Huge temp std cout Exiting g std endl return temp.. leaving main std endl The output of this code in g 4.4 is Entering g Constructor Exiting g Before leaving main Destructor c copy..
Error: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64, collect2: ld returned 1 exit status http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9370264/error-symbols-not-found-for-architecture-x86-64-collect2-ld-returned-1-exit skipping qmake step. 18 22 15 Starting usr bin make w make Entering directory ` Users jonathanbibas Documents Workspace Qt Test..