c++ Programming Glossary: document
What is std::promise? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11004273/what-is-stdpromise does and in which situations it is best used. The standard document itself doesn't contain a whole lot of information beyond its..
Creating, opening and printing a word file from C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/145573/creating-opening-and-printing-a-word-file-from-c file is being printed without the user having to open the document and do it manually and I want to be able to open the document... and do it manually and I want to be able to open the document. Opening the document should just open word which then opens.. and I want to be able to open the document. Opening the document should just open word which then opens the file. c windows..
Why exactly do I need an explicit upcast when implementing QueryInterface() in an object with multiple interfaces() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1742848/why-exactly-do-i-need-an-explicit-upcast-when-implementing-queryinterface-in-a public IInterface1 public IInterface2 Almost every document I saw suggests that when I implement QueryInterface for IUnknown.. iid __uuidof IUnknown ppv this call Addref return S_OK The documents usually say that if I do the latter I will violate the requirement..
Is “argv[0] = name-of-executable” an accepted standard or just a common convention? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2050961/is-argv0-name-of-executable-an-accepted-standard-or-just-a-common-conventi is fun but you really need to go to the standards documents to be sure. For example the c1x n1425 draft states If the value.. meaning in the ISO standards the implementation must document how it works. So even UNIX which can put anything it likes into..
Best documentation for Boost:asio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/244453/best-documentation-for-boostasio documentation for Boost asio The documentation available on the boost.. documentation for Boost asio The documentation available on the boost website is... limited. From what.. consensus is that it is simply difficult to find good documentation on the boost asio library. Is this really the case If so..
How to make SIMPLE C++ Makefile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2481269/how-to-make-simple-c-makefile just a detail related to the original audience for this document. Make Me Baby or You Never Forget The First Time You Got Made..
What's a very easy C++ profiler (VC++)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2624667/whats-a-very-easy-c-profiler-vc called PROFILE_DUMP which will dump the outputs to a text document. PROFILE_FUNC creates an object that will use RAII to log the..
What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3601602/what-are-rvalues-lvalues-xvalues-glvalues-and-prvalues c faq c 11 share improve this question I guess this document might serve as a not so short introduction n3055 The whole massacre.. whose return type is not a reference is a prvalue The document in question is a great reference for this question because it..
Is `long` guaranteed to be at least 32 bits? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4329777/is-long-guaranteed-to-be-at-least-32-bits to being at least 32 bits 1 1.2 1 The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For.. documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references only the edition cited applies. For undated.. undated references the latest edition of the referenced document including any amendments applies. ISO IEC 2382 all parts Information..
Calling virtual method in base class constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/448258/calling-virtual-method-in-base-class-constructor If you do use a virtual method in the constructor document it very strongly. So long as everyone involved is aware of what..
How does the Comma Operator work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/54142/how-does-the-comma-operator-work up equaling b or c Yes I know this is easy to test just documenting on here for someone to find the answer quickly. Update This.. exposed a nuance when using the comma operator. Just to document this a b c a is set to the value of b a b c a is set to the..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions This would include code samples or links to good ones or documentation on the process or anything. I really want to do this but.. want to do this but I'm hitting a giant wall with lousy documentation lousy code example code lack thereof. Any help resources.. executed more than once. if pDisp this.site return var document2 browser.Document as IHTMLDocument2 var document3 browser.Document..
Polymorphism in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5854581/polymorphism-in-c compiler provided overloads conversions casts coercion The document concludes with a discussion of how these combine to empower..
Compelling examples of custom C++ STL allocators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/826569/compelling-examples-of-custom-c-stl-allocators
What XML parser should I use in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9387610/what-xml-parser-should-i-use-in-c XML parser should I use in C I have XML documents that I need to parse and or I need to build XML documents and.. documents that I need to parse and or I need to build XML documents and write them to text either files or memory . Since the C.. OK so full XML compliance doesn't matter to you. Your XML documents are either fully under your control or are guaranteed to use..
PHP and C++ for UTF-8 code unit in reverse order in Chinese character http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15972306/php-and-c-for-utf-8-code-unit-in-reverse-order-in-chinese-character str3 char L ä½ å¥½ printHex str3 C Users william Desktop My Document test2.txt return 0 While in PHP when I use this mb_convert_encoding..
Private virtual method in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2170688/private-virtual-method-in-c I have noticed this in an open source C project class HTMLDocument public Document public CachedResourceClient private virtual.. this in an open source C project class HTMLDocument public Document public CachedResourceClient private virtual bool childAllowed..
Prevent class inheritance in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2184133/prevent-class-inheritance-in-c through contortions to prevent further subclassing. Why Document the fact that the class isn't extensible and make the dtor non..
Best XML serialization library for a MFC C++ app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/225283/best-xml-serialization-library-for-a-mfc-c-app data types which are all currently serialized based on MFC Document View serialize derived functionality. I have also added options..
Generating word documents (.doc/.odt) through C++/Qt http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3177268/generating-word-documents-doc-odt-through-c-qt documents to be a MS word document .doc or can be an Open Document Format .odt Also I want the documents to be formatted with fonts.. and all . I have done the creation PDF files using QTextDocument QTextCursor and QPrinter . But when I tried to apply the same.. and QPrinter . But when I tried to apply the same QTextDocument for odt I ended up with just format error. Is there a way to..
C++ HTML template framework, templatizing library, HTML generator library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/355650/c-html-template-framework-templatizing-library-html-generator-library Update Nov 28 2011 Last Release 0.10.5 on July 12 2007 Document Rich Community Medium 10 discussion per month Teng Site http.. Last Update Mar 8 2011 Last Release 2.1.1 on Mar 8 2011 Document Rich Community Low rare discussion since 2010 Templatizer Site.. C interface mixed Last Update unknown Last Release unknown Document none Community none HTML Template C Site http nulidex.com code..
How can I ask the user for elevated permissions at runtime? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6108851/how-can-i-ask-the-user-for-elevated-permissions-at-runtime #endif CPP Execute Open the specified Application Document with the given command line Parameters if WaitToFinish true..
Eclipse has two C/C++ indexers (fast & full): what's the difference? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/763837/eclipse-has-two-c-c-indexers-fast-full-whats-the-difference in an on disk cache called œthe index or œthe PDOM Persisted Document Object Model in order to be able to provide features that respond..
IE9 fails to fire onscroll event on HTMLWindow2 in BHO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9539410/ie9-fails-to-fire-onscroll-event-on-htmlwindow2-in-bho HTMLWindow2 in BHO IE can fire onscroll event when using Document Mode IE7 or IE8 but fail to fire onscroll event when using Document.. Mode IE7 or IE8 but fail to fire onscroll event when using Document Mode IE9 . I also register the onscroll event on documentElement.. 1 DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2 DISPID_DOCUMENTCOMPLETE OnDocumentComplete SINK_ENTRY_EX 1 DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2 DISPID_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2..
How to get file permissions with c++ boost library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9776050/how-to-get-file-permissions-with-c-boost-library a directory containing home usr Desktop test la Untitled Document size is 0 perms 27746424170 home usr Desktop test la lala is..