c++ Programming Glossary: dllexport
Howto implement callback interface from unmanaged DLL to .net app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2167895/howto-implement-callback-interface-from-unmanaged-dll-to-net-app const char text Callback Handler 0 extern C __declspec dllexport void __stdcall SetCallback Callback handler Handler handler.. Callback handler Handler handler extern C __declspec dllexport void __stdcall TestCallback int retval Handler hello world That's..
Export all symbols when creating a DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/225432/export-all-symbols-when-creating-a-dll automatically export all symbols without adding __declspec dllexport everywhere and without hand creating .def files. Is threre a.. to setup but it allows us to compile code created without dllexport declarations for Unix on Windows. share improve this answer..
Why does this program crash: passing of std::string between DLLs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2322095/why-does-this-program-crash-passing-of-stdstring-between-dlls release runtime linked dynamically A.h class A __declspec dllexport std string getString A.cpp #include A.h std string A getString..
Exporting a C++ class from a DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27998/exporting-a-c-class-from-a-dll functions I just export them using the standard __declspec dllexport directive. Then access them either dynamically via LoadLibrary..
C++ DLL Export: Decorated/Mangled names http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2804893/c-dll-export-decorated-mangled-names the C style of export namely extern C void __declspec dllexport SomeFunction Simply using extern C did not create an exported.. on this website for some reason I also tried the #define dllexport __declspec dllexport option and created a LIB with no problem... some reason I also tried the #define dllexport __declspec dllexport option and created a LIB with no problem. However I don't want..
pinvokestackimbalance — how can I fix this or turn it off? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3506796/pinvokestackimbalance-how-can-i-fix-this-or-turn-it-off OPERATIONS_EXPORTS #define OPERATIONS_API __declspec dllexport #else #define OPERATIONS_API __declspec dllimport #endif extern..
.def files C/C++ DLLs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366228/def-files-c-c-dlls exports within your DLL code ie. explicit __declspec dllexport however I am unable to generate a lib file when not using these.. that .def files provide an alternative to the __declspec dllexport syntax with the additional benefit of being able to explicitly..
Why/when is __declspec( dllimport ) not needed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4489441/why-when-is-declspec-dllimport-not-needed In a project using a server.dll and a client.exe I have dllexport ed a server symbol from the server dll and not dllimport ed.. #ifdef SERVER_EXPORTS #define SERVER_API __declspec dllexport #else #define SERVER_API not using dllimport #endif class SERVER_API..
Is is possible to export functions from a C# DLL like in VS C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4818850/is-is-possible-to-export-functions-from-a-c-sharp-dll-like-in-vs-c like in VS C In VS C C you could use extern C __declspec dllexport function declaration . How do I accomplish this in a C# dll.. answers below is the only way for C#. c# c notepad dllexport share improve this question I've seen people do this before..
Create WCF service for unmanaged C++ clients http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686452/create-wcf-service-for-unmanaged-c-clients HELLOSERVICECLIENTBRIDGE_EXPORTS #define DLLAPI __declspec dllexport #else #define DLLAPI __declspec dllimport #pragma comment lib..
Compile a DLL in C/C++, then call it from another program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/847396/compile-a-dll-in-c-c-then-call-it-from-another-program for the DLL #ifdef BUILD_DLL #define EXPORT __declspec dllexport #else #define EXPORT __declspec dllimport #endif EXPORT int.. this modify them so they look like for example __declspec dllexport int add2 int num return num 2 then assuming your functions are..
std::string in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/874551/stdstring-in-c but I tried this C Function in C dll bool __declspec dllexport OpenA std string file return true C# code DllImport pk2.dll..
Memory / heap management across DLLs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2266218/memory-heap-management-across-dlls memory alloction It is quite well known that in DLL a DLLEXPORT MyObject getObject return new MyObject in DLL b MyObject o getObject.. memory allocation. Of course one could provide in DLL a DLLEXPORT void deleteObject MyObject o delete o but maybe there are better..
Disable CONTROL + ALT + DELETE and Windows(win) Key in Windows 7 using Win32 application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4529577/disable-control-alt-delete-and-windowswin-key-in-windows-7-using-win32-app #include afxwin.h MFC core and standard components #define DLLEXPORT __declspec dllexport App DLL object class CTaskKeyHookDll public.. assumes there's no other hook that does the same thing DLLEXPORT BOOL AreTaskKeysDisabled return g_hHookKbdLL NULL Disable task.. level kbd hook. Return whether currently disabled or not. DLLEXPORT BOOL DisableTaskKeys BOOL bDisable BOOL bBeep if bDisable if..
what does __declspec(dllimport) really mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8863193/what-does-declspecdllimport-really-mean at compile time. For example #if COMPILING_DLL #define DLLEXPORT __declspec dllexport #else #define DLLEXPORT __declspec dllimport.. #define DLLEXPORT __declspec dllexport #else #define DLLEXPORT __declspec dllimport #endif And then marking all of the symbols.. marking all of the symbols that should be exported with DLLEXPORT . Presumably that is what the Q_CORE_EXPORT macro does resolving..