c++ Programming Glossary: doable
Extending PHP with C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1110682/extending-php-with-c written a PHP plugin in C with the help of SWIG . It's doable but it may take a while to get used to the SWIG compilation..
Function template with an operator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1116654/function-template-with-an-operator The fact that it compiles at all suggests to me that it's doable I'm just at a loss for how to use it Any suggestions or is this..
compile and run c++ code runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11523023/compile-and-run-c-code-runtime as complex as integrating a compiler in your game probably doable with llvm components but... Also for teaching programming C..
Integrate Python And C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1153577/integrate-python-and-c Python version called within C . With Cython it's still doable but you need to explictly use the C Python API. share improve..
Identical build on different systems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1221185/identical-build-on-different-systems may be putting a lot of effort into something that is not doable. Why do you need the DLLs to be bitwise identical anyway share..
Vera ++ TCL rule : list all local variables [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13139556/vera-tcl-rule-list-all-local-variables or any other variable definitions using vera rules but doable of course. The basic C parsing and tokenizing is done by vera..
“Manual” signature overload resolution http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14972954/manual-signature-overload-resolution resolution share improve this question i'm sure it is doable your way but may be you will be satisfied with this one https..
What are some good profilers for native C++ on Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/153559/what-are-some-good-profilers-for-native-c-on-windows Visual C BoundsChecker Suite is about 1400 a seat which is doable but a bit high imo. What are some good profilers for native..
In C++ how is function overloading typically implemented? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2227516/in-c-how-is-function-overloading-typically-implemented right one. No need for a dynamic table it's all perfectly doable statically at compile time. Update removed my attempt at illustrating..
Get function names from call stack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2314273/get-function-names-from-call-stack debugging working through the android NDK is not really doable I'm left with a callstack like the following captured from ddms..
Linking to MSVC DLL from MinGW http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2472924/linking-to-msvc-dll-from-mingw and given the MinGW Wiki page it seems like this should be doable. If it is impossible that's all I need to know. If it can be..
CMake - Automatically add all files in a folder to a target? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3201154/cmake-automatically-add-all-files-in-a-folder-to-a-target While this is easy to do with make it is not easily doable with Visual C and XCode correct me if I am wrong . Is it possible..
Fast Algorithm for computing percentiles to remove outliers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3779763/fast-algorithm-for-computing-percentiles-to-remove-outliers of values and picking the appropriate element this is doable but it's a noticable blip on the profiles despite being a fairly..
Reverse of a number with leading zeroes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4166886/reverse-of-a-number-with-leading-zeroes doesn't work for such numbers. Any simple solution It is doable by taking input as string and processing it. But that doesn't..
OpenMP: What is the benefit of nesting parallelizations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4317551/openmp-what-is-the-benefit-of-nesting-parallelizations loop structure so that only 1 level loop exists. It looks doable Specializing the code if N is small then do nested parallelism..
boost:serialization reconstruction (loading) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6734814/boostserialization-reconstruction-loading the data. Does that make any sense Do you think this is doable EDIT#4 namespace boost namespace serialization template class..
wrapping a list of structs with boost.python http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6776888/wrapping-a-list-of-structs-with-boost-python with python's list methods. That can be quite involved but doable. std_item.hpp #include list #include algorithm #include boost..