c++ Programming Glossary: dislike
Why is C++ relatively “harder” to use/bad choice for a beginner? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1085134/why-is-c-relatively-harder-to-use-bad-choice-for-a-beginner see myself doing this full time in the future. One thing I dislike about it is that there are too many solutions to the same problem...
encrypt-decrypt single block with AES and Crypto++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11082432/encrypt-decrypt-single-block-with-aes-and-crypto modes. EDIT ok i did it in the next manner but i really dislike this try. void dec const byte key const byte xblock const byte..
Handling stdafx.h in cross-platform code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1191248/handling-stdafx-h-in-cross-platform-code headers and no code will have to be changed. I personally dislike dependencies and the mess stdafx.h is pushing a big code base..
How do I run XPath queries in QT? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1286842/how-do-i-run-xpath-queries-in-qt specifically the features_looping branch. The things I dislike about this solution are Parsing the XML twice Concatenating..
What am I allowed to do with a static, constexpr, in-class initialized data member? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14547986/what-am-i-allowed-to-do-with-a-static-constexpr-in-class-initialized-data-memb I rely the source and validity of this answer I honestly dislike it because I personally find it too cryptic so I tried to work..
Embedded C++ : to use STL or not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2226252/embedded-c-to-use-stl-or-not 2226227 embeeded c to use exceptions or not 2 I strongly dislike dynamic memory allocation in embedded systems because of the..
correct idiom for std::string constants? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2312860/correct-idiom-for-stdstring-constants here the conversion is appropriate even though I normally dislike these private StaticString not defined Use StaticString s abc..
Header file best practices for typedefs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2356548/header-file-best-practices-for-typedefs if it hasn't already been typedefed. I have an abiding dislike for the preprocessor because I think it makes it hard for new..
How do you validate an object's internal state? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/343605/how-do-you-validate-an-objects-internal-state then I tend to lean towards the first style. I really dislike the third style since it will hide lots of bugs but I know people..
Why does C++ not allow inherited friendship? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3561648/why-does-c-not-allow-inherited-friendship friendship to a class or virtual method heirarchy. I dislike the need for boilerplate proxies which the friended base effectively..
C# in comparison to C++: what is your strongest pain? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/370141/c-sharp-in-comparison-to-c-what-is-your-strongest-pain first opportunity to jump back to C . Some of the things I dislike about C# Lack of free functions and perverse workarounds like..
Passing the caller __FILE__ __LINE__ to a function without using macro http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4196431/passing-the-caller-file-line-to-a-function-without-using-macro And I don't want to use a specific word like DbCommit i dislike redoundacies like db DbCommit or to pass the values manually..
How to implement the factory pattern in C++ correctly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5120768/how-to-implement-the-factory-pattern-in-c-correctly the invalid code example above just to stress how much I dislike the need to change the method name for example because we cannot.. I've written all of this and left this as the last I must dislike it too. Why First of all... I sincerely dislike the concept.. I must dislike it too. Why First of all... I sincerely dislike the concept of two phase construction and I feel guilty when..
how boost::function and boost::bind work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527413/how-boostfunction-and-boostbind-work boost function and boost bind work I dislike having magic boxes scattered all over my code...how exactly..
Qt alternative? (windows only) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5685824/qt-alternative-windows-only that's an unpopular opinion but most of the people who dislike MFC are the same people who don't understand the Windows API...
Why do std::string operations perform poorly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8310039/why-do-stdstring-operations-perform-poorly It's not that std string performs poorly as much as I dislike C it's that string handling is so heavily optimized for those..