c++ Programming Glossary: discount
error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12132453/error-lnk1169-one-or-more-multiply-defined-symbols-found id long account ACCOUNT NUMBER private static const int discount 10 STATIC DISCOUNT OF 10 FOR ALL Registered Clients public RegisteredClient.. also inherits from RegisteredClient private protected int discount A SPECIAL INDIVIDUAL DISCOUTN FOR VIP Clients public VIPClient.. i long acc_num int X RegisteredClient ph_num n i acc_num discount X virtual void registerCall string phone# int minutes make a..
Use the right tool for the job: embedded programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2855884/use-the-right-tool-for-the-job-embedded-programming be a little more circumspect when choosing C though do not discount it altogether it can make life easier. If you do choose to use..
Is `long` guaranteed to be at least 32 bits? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4329777/is-long-guaranteed-to-be-at-least-32-bits be in C according to the Standard. Normally I would just discount this statement as a beginner being wrong but since this was..
Is the value of RAND_MAX always (2^n)-1? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4945698/is-the-value-of-rand-max-always-2n-1 a negative or fractional value so I think I can safely discount those. Bit fiddling doesn't normally bother me but I keep thinking..
What is the performance cost of having a virtual method in a C++ class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/667634/what-is-the-performance-cost-of-having-a-virtual-method-in-a-c-class
Markdown Implementations for C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/889434/markdown-implementations-for-c-c under FOSS license let me know EDIT 3 as cloose commented discount had changed the license to 3 clause BSD. share improve this..