c++ Programming Glossary: distances
Need a fast random generator for c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1640258/need-a-fast-random-generator-for-c do some opt 3 swapping on my TSP generator for euclidian distances and since I in many cases have more than ~500 nodes I need to..
Implementing Dijkstra's Algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2899207/implementing-dijkstras-algorithm is that any two vertices can have up to UINT_MAX different distances between them. Sorry. Infact the fact that I forgot to deal with..
Dijkstra Shortest Path with VertexList = ListS in boost graph http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7156880/dijkstra-shortest-path-with-vertexlist-lists-in-boost-graph boost num_vertices g To store parents std vector Weight distances boost num_vertices g To store distances IndexMap indexMap boost.. std vector Weight distances boost num_vertices g To store distances IndexMap indexMap boost get boost vertex_index g NameMap name.. predecessors 0 indexMap DistanceMap distanceMap distances 0 indexMap boost dijkstra_shortest_paths g v0 boost distance_map..
How to improve fixed point square-root for small values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8721022/how-to-improve-fixed-point-square-root-for-small-values greater than a few kilometers but is very poor at smaller distances. The worst case being when the two points are equal or near.. 194 meters while I need precision of at least 1 metre at distances 1 metre. By comparison with a double precision floating point.. but that will not solve the problem for small non zero distances where the error starts at 194 metres and converges toward zero..