c++ Programming Glossary: discouraged
Retrieving a c++ class name programatically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1024648/retrieving-a-c-class-name-programatically typeinfo cout typeid obj .name endl However this is discouraged since the format isn't standardized and may differ between different..
Questions about Hinnant's stack allocator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11648202/questions-about-hinnants-stack-allocator max_size have a throw exception specification Isn't this discouraged see e.g. More Effective C Item 14. Is it really necessary to.. max_size have a throw exception specification Isn't this discouraged see e.g. More Effective C Item 14. Is it really necessary to..
C++ SQLite3 how to know if select return 0 rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11956397/c-sqlite3-how-to-know-if-select-return-0-rows
How to render offscreen on OpenGL? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12157646/how-to-render-offscreen-on-opengl you can also read the front buffer but this is often discouraged as theoretically implementations were allowed to make some optimizations..
When should functions be member functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1638394/when-should-functions-be-member-functions don't think that should be exploited I think it should be discouraged. Obviously this is only possible in a language like C that is..
runtime determine type for C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1984492/runtime-determine-type-for-c for that and using them solely to query type is often discouraged depending on situation also not unusual among other languages..
How to write a browser plugin? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2649056/how-to-write-a-browser-plugin to phase out NPAPI entirely . NPAPI for new projects is discouraged at this point. Resources for getting started with NPAPI MDC..
A simple hello world NPAPI plugin for Google Chrome? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2652034/a-simple-hello-world-npapi-plugin-for-google-chrome to phase out NPAPI entirely . NPAPI for new projects is discouraged at this point. NPAPI plugins shouldn't be browser specific at..
Using arrays or std::vectors in C++, what's the performance gap? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/381621/using-arrays-or-stdvectors-in-c-whats-the-performance-gap sort of housekeeping. Using arrays on the stack is also discouraged because you don't have range checking and passing the array..
STL and UTF-8 file input/output. How to do it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4018384/stl-and-utf-8-file-input-output-how-to-do-it course I could use formatted input output but that is... discouraged . FILE fp _wfopen_s fp L utf 8_out_test.txt L w _setmode _fileno..
unnamed namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4213282/unnamed-namespace need to support old code. So in practice it means strongly discouraged . Example of superiority of unnamed namespace An unnamed namespace..
Throwing C++ exceptions across DLL boundaries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5107948/throwing-c-exceptions-across-dll-boundaries when libraries from multiple vendors are involved so it is discouraged. If you want error handling which is portable across multiple..
Java and C++ pass by value and pass by reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5922119/java-and-c-pass-by-value-and-pass-by-reference possible to pass a reference to NULL this is very highly discouraged as the only way to do it is to dereference NULL which has an..
System() calls in C++ and their roles in programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/900666/system-calls-in-c-and-their-roles-in-programming and unix with different keywords and using system calls is discouraged because of a lack of cross OS compatibility. If I'm wrong with..