c++ Programming Glossary: cxcore
Very simple application fails with “multiple target patterns” from Eclipse http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2401976/very-simple-application-fails-with-multiple-target-patterns-from-eclipse to the compiler include path I OPENCV cv include OPENCV cxcore include OPENCV otherlibs highgui I have added the following.. I have added the following libraries to the linker l cv cxcore highgui And the following library search path L OPENCV lib Eclipse.. Files OpenCV cv include cv.h C Program Files OpenCV cxcore include cxcore.h C Program Files OpenCV cxcore include cxtypes.h..
OpenCV C++ Video Capture does not seem to work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3940780/opencv-c-video-capture-does-not-seem-to-work in cvGetMat file Users mark Downloads OpenCV 2.1.0 src cxcore cxarray.cpp line 2476 terminate called after throwing an instance.. 'cv Exception' what Users mark Downloads OpenCV 2.1.0 src cxcore cxarray.cpp 2476 error 206 Unrecognized or unsupported array..
OpenCV insufficient memory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5564966/opencv-insufficient-memory bytes in unknown function file ........ ocv opencv src cxcore cxalloc.cpp line 52 There must be some memory leak somewhere..