c++ Programming Glossary: clarifies
Dereference-assignment to a doubly incremented OutputIterator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11887104/dereference-assignment-to-a-doubly-incremented-outputiterator was raised in 2004 as defect 485 and the wording in n3066 clarifies the issue requiring that an output iterator need only support..
Is it possible to hash pointers in portable C++03 code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14167455/is-it-possible-to-hash-pointers-in-portable-c03-code
more c++ multiple inheritance fun [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2158512/more-c-multiple-inheritance-fun should use the C style casts static_cast etc as this clarifies the way the conversion should be done. This could also be a..
Reference Parameters in C++: VERY basic example please http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2564873/reference-parameters-in-c-very-basic-example-please 5 is exactly the same as x 5 and x changes. Hopefully that clarifies a bit. Why is this important When you program you never want.. because we are indeed modifying the aliases. Hope this clarifies some more. Rough pointers tutorial A pointer is a variable that..
Are raw C++ pointers first class objects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2695169/are-raw-c-pointers-first-class-objects
At which exact statement does this program exhibit Undefined behavior as per the C++ standard? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8804612/at-which-exact-statement-does-this-program-exhibit-undefined-behavior-as-per-the answer would cite an reference from the C Standard that clarifies this beyond doubt. c undefined behavior share improve this..
Static array initialization of individual elements in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9048883/static-array-initialization-of-individual-elements-in-c in C int array 10 1 1 2 2 9 9 EDIT Humm I found this clarifies everything. http eli.thegreenplace.net 2011 02 15 array initialization..