c++ Programming Glossary: cipher
encrypt-decrypt single block with AES and Crypto++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11082432/encrypt-decrypt-single-block-with-aes-and-crypto try. void dec const byte key const byte xblock const byte cipher byte plain AESDecryption d try const NameValuePairs nvp MakeParameters.. 0 d.UncheckedSetKey key 16 nvp d.ProcessAndXorBlock cipher xblock plain catch ... c cryptography crypto block cipher.. xblock plain catch ... c cryptography crypto block cipher share improve this question AES in ECB mode is identical..
Can you help me get my head around openssl public key encryption with rsa.h in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2012645/can-you-help-me-get-my-head-around-openssl-public-key-encryption-with-rsa-h-in-c key and sends the result to Alice Alice decrypts the ciphertext with the originally generated private key and obtains the.. I would suggest using EVP_aes_128_cbc as the value of the cipher type parameter. Once you've got the public key loaded into an.. encrypted key then the iv the IV length is fixed by the cipher we have chosen . eklen_n htonl eklen if fwrite eklen_n sizeof..
AES with padding pkcs7 c++ code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4508749/aes-with-padding-pkcs7-c-code iv sizeof iv string plain CBC Mode Test string cipher encoded recovered Pretty print key encoded.clear StringSource.. ECB and CBC Mode must be padded to the block size of the cipher. StringSource plain true new StreamTransformationFilter e .. true new StreamTransformationFilter e new StringSink cipher StreamTransformationFilter StringSource catch CryptoPP Exception..
How do I import an RSA Public Key from .NET into OpenSSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/497428/how-do-i-import-an-rsa-public-key-from-net-into-openssl key and then you can encrypt the plain text and write the cipher text to disk. Like this RSA key unsigned char modulus unsigned.. key q NULL int maxSize RSA_size key Find the length of the cipher text cipher new char valid memset cipher 0 valid RSA_public_encrypt.. maxSize RSA_size key Find the length of the cipher text cipher new char valid memset cipher 0 valid RSA_public_encrypt strlen..